I’m done here

Filed in National by on February 14, 2007

I’ve made a few half hearted stabs at getting someone to take up Delawareliberal but nothing has panned out. So, I’m signing off. Peace out.

Happy Valentines day to my great and lovely wife & adios.

Jason Scott has left the building.

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  1. ditto
    last time I checked you were doing great here!
    It is not even close to April Fools and we don’t have Down With Absolutes to kick around any more with Matthews out of action.

    If you go, Jason, DE Blogging is significantly diminished.

  2. Rebecca says:

    I’m crying “say it ain’t so Jason” but I understand the huge chunk of your life that this blog requires. You set a very high standard and that took an incredible amount of work. Not to mention what it does to your soul. Being the voice of truth in the wilderness is pretty thankless.

    Lump all that together with your real job and your wonderful family and your plate was overflowing. I’d have dropped from exhaustion long ago.

    Thank you for a great ride! I’m not sure where I’ll start my clicking for the day without out you. Don’t take this down yet! Maybe we’ll get some hearty volunteers to help out yet.


  3. motnewbie says:

    Wanting to read your own eulogy? KIDDING.

    OK, I logged out of work for the sole purpose of commenting…WTF?! Wow, left field, indeed. So confused, so lost, so…so…so alone.

    If anyone has ever took any time to think about what I was saying in my occasional life-is-profound posts, you know I can understand checking out for a while at a time, but hanging it up altogether?

    Is this really related to the previous post and Castle sucking the wind out of your sail? Don’t worry, you’ll find something.

    All kidding aside, I’m not totally sure what you are doing here. You really appeared to be around the top of the blog-o-sphere around here. Is this serious?

  4. motnewbie says:

    Another thought, is this an extension of your earlier post on creating a group blog?

  5. Tyler Nixon says:


    Today is Valentine’s Day, NOT April Fools’ Day…..

    Take time off, but not permanently for God’s sake!

    Your scorched earth ideological counterbalance to the wingnuts cannot be understated. The place will go to hell without you, man!


  6. G Rex says:

    WTF? Who am I supposed to abuse now?

  7. MOT Newbie says:

    Extending your comment, G, is Hube on suicide watch?