Delaware Liberal

Around the Horn Friday (Now with more geeky goodness)

The elephant in the room (or is it a donkey) this week is Jason Scott’s decision to take a well-deserved break from the extremely demanding pace that he has kept here at Delaware Liberal. We will miss his wit. He plans to return either next Valentines day, or when the Eagles win the Superbowl. As an Eagles fan, we’ll hear from him on Valentines Day.

The other big news is that one of our own, Dave Burris of First State Politics, was elected Sussex GOP chairman. Congrats, Mr. Chairman. The only downside is that the dark side of the force has a smart, reasonable man at the helm.

Over at DelawareWay, Nancy reveals the identity of the Anti-Jason. The Catholic League’s role in the Edwards blogging “scandal” is also covered.

Mike Mahaffie is driving. A lot. he still has more than 30K to catch up to mt hybrid mileage, but he is gaining. Also check out his scathing rebuke of a development shill in Sussex County.

Tommywonk wants to explain the difference between weather and climate to Matt Drudge. A losing battle, that is.

Liberaldelight and Jokers to the Right are mourning the loss of a friend. I should hope for a eulogy half as sincere and apropos. Nice work.

Over at Karmic Musings (warning, it just crashed my Firefox twice) Jay looks like some guy from some movie. Also has the story of some Iraqis that are doing better now, thank you very much. They’re moving to the U.S.

Blue State Rising has a great back story on a seven-year-old boy and his run in with our bully of a President. The kid had one too many fingers up, methinks.

Hube is back from Indy and now knows why culture doesn’t thrive in Europe anymore. It’s because of the welfare state. If only Europe had been more self reliant, they could have the culture that we have here in the U.S. This is why Hee-Haw never caught on over there.

Dana over at Delaware Watch has the scoop on how Condi blew it with Iranian diplomacy. He has an “I Told Ya So” also. Peace with Iran or Dana being right…Tough choice 🙂

Barak Obama would be doing so much better if X were to post once in a while. X, are you hangin’ with Politikid?

Over at Down with Absolutes, Susan comes up with 7 paragrahs to describe a six-page newspaper. I’ll sum up. Councilperson Churchhill is not a woman to be trifled with, especially if you are a small furry creature.

Kilroy has a nice piece on the closing of the Chrysler Plant. Also a good Van Gogh.

Kavips has a nice posting about the proposed wind farm. Guess what we would be looking at off the coast if there were oil 1000 feet below the Delaware River.

Joe over at Merit Bound Alley is a Papa again. Congrats.

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