Archive for February, 2007

Industry Flacks Tom Carper and Mike Castle Support “Clean” Coal – Big Surprise!

Filed in National by on February 9, 2007 2 Comments

If you favor wind-power for Delaware and you’ve been waiting for Carper and Castle to take a shit on you – your wait is over. “The Delaware delegation supports NRG’s efforts,” said Emily Cunningham of Sen. Tom Carper’s office. “Sen. Carper thinks all options should be explored.” (snip) “It is important to find a way […]

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Castle on Iraq….(The sound of one hand clapping)

Filed in National by on February 9, 2007 0 Comments

A commenter followed up on a point that I’ve been making for a while – Mike Castle wants to avoid being evaluated on Iraq AGAIN. Mike Castle is our lone rep in the US House and Iraq is the issue dominating all of our current public policy debates, from secrurity and energy independence to our […]

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Markell vs. Carney Comment Rescue

Filed in National by on February 9, 2007 8 Comments

In an (at times interesting/at times pissy) exchange between Kilroy and Al regarding Markell v. Carney – Kilroy made this observation: But I really think that (Carney as the favorite) is a political illusion and the only safety net Carney would have is if Minner were to step down making Carney the incumbent. Markell would […]

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Thursday Tracking Poll

Filed in National by on February 8, 2007 0 Comments

Two THREE Questions today!! UPDATE: Go to Jack Markell’s blog and take the Delaware energy poll. 1) If the election was being held today, who would you vote for to be the next US Congressman from Delaware ? . Your choices are: Dennis Spivack Other Dem Michael Castle Other Republican Michael Berg Other Third Party […]

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Obnoxious ?

Filed in National by on February 8, 2007 6 Comments

Celia Cohen is not my favorite person. Her website, Delawaregrapevine, is to Castle, Carper and Biden what Pravda was to the Soviet Union. So someone check me on this: In fact, there has been some back-room chatter about drafting Ferris W. Wharton, the ex-prosecutor who gave Democrat Joseph R. “Beau” Biden III a scare last […]

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Numismatic noodling

Filed in National by on February 8, 2007 0 Comments

This is from “ask a dumb guy”.   A blog where you can find “bad advice and incorrect information free of charge”. Dear dumb guy: How did the British system of money (use of metal coin for one pound, unusual denominations of coinage, Darwin on the back of the 10 pound note, etc.) evolve? And in […]

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Delaware can lead the country

Filed in National by on February 8, 2007 1 Comment

…by significantly reducing our Green House gas output. And that is just one of the many benefits of Windpower. Richard Korn, Mike Barbieri, Nancy Willing and many more were on hand to hear more about Windpower last night. Liberalgeek blogged last night’s PDD meeting, and helped send out 378 letters to Dover. But there is […]

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Republicans, Howard Dean will mess you up.

Filed in National by on February 8, 2007 0 Comments

Chairman Dean took his 50 State message to DSU yesterday, but I could not make it. (stupid paycheck!) Anyway, the best thing that ever happened to the Democratic party was the media lynching of Dean the Republicans organized that knocked him out of the Presidential campaign, but eventually made him chairman. Here is part of […]

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Tom Carper’s Buddy from Ct. wants you! (to pony up for Bush’s clusterf*ck)

Filed in National by on February 7, 2007 6 Comments

Speaking of budgets, Tom Carper’s buddy has a super idea. “I think we have to start thinking about a war on terrorism tax,” Lieberman said during a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on Bush’s defense budget. “I mean, people keep saying we’re not asking a sacrifice of anybody but our military in this war and […]

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A man of the people.

Filed in National by on February 7, 2007 22 Comments
A man of the people.

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Pro-clarity and honesty or Pro-bullshit and obfuscation?

Filed in National by on February 7, 2007 44 Comments

When it comes to evaluating Bush’s budget, I favor the pro-clarity position. Jack Markell knows a little something about budgets. Here is his recent statement on Bush’s budget. “Once again, President Bush’s rhetoric doesn’t match the reality of his promises to the American people. In his newly released budget, he once again puts tax cuts […]

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Delaware GOP throws in with McCain

Filed in National by on February 6, 2007 10 Comments

In typically tone deaf style the Delaware GOP is falling in behind an out and out loser, John McCain, for President. McCain, who is staking his political future on the notion that we need to wade deeper in the Iraqi quagmire, has found some fellow travelers here in Delaware. Celia provides this tid bit: McCain […]

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Heavy Redactions in Energy Bids Questioned

Filed in National by on February 6, 2007 10 Comments

Willett Kempton, Jermey Firestone, the News Journal, Green Delaware and possibly other parties, are petitioning the Public Service Commission (PSC) today for rights to see the entire bids for a Coal Power Plant, Offshore Windfarm, and a Natural Gas Power Plant. The group will also ask for justification for each part that is redacted. This […]

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