Archive for February, 2007

Comment Rescue: Dealwareliberal Salutes Black History Month

Filed in National by on February 5, 2007 0 Comments

Think123  has a great comment over at FSP.    The black middle class exists today only because of massive and liberal government intervention. The Great Society, bringing forth civil rights and affirmative action, ranks right up there with the Civil War as a liberating force for black people in America. It created justice where there […]

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Syria ‘can broker peace in Iraq’

Filed in National by on February 5, 2007 0 Comments
Syria ‘can broker peace in Iraq’

Mr Assad said Washington has no vision for Iraq’s future Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has said his country can play a major role in international efforts to end sectarian violence in Iraq. He told a US TV interview Syria could help mediate in Iraq with support from the US and other states in the region. […]

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The Strine and Copleland letters

Filed in National by on February 5, 2007 4 Comments

What did that guy call himself last time, the Conscience of the GOP or something? Anyway, he is back. This time with letters written by “Terry Strine” and “Charles Lammont DuPont Copeland“. Mike Matehews has them up here: (PDF LINK) Who Wrote Them: Here is my take. (and BTW, Ron Williams feel free to reprint […]

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Filed in National by on February 5, 2007 9 Comments

I think we all get it.  It’s cold.  I’m not sure why the TV news media is covering this morning’s weather like it is …uuhhhm…newsworthy.

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Monday Morning Generaling

Filed in National by on February 5, 2007 2 Comments

Insurgents have figured out how to shoot down our helicopters. That is bad news. Worse news is that our response it to “adjust” our tactics when the only adjustment that makes sense is to adjust ourselves out of Iraq. Tactics being adjusted after helicopters downed Monday, 5 February, 2007, 08:34 AM Doha Time BAGHDAD: The […]

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Half time show

Filed in National by on February 4, 2007 2 Comments

It was okay I guess, but I don’t know why the NFL settled for Prince when they could have had Morris Day and the Time. [youtube=]

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My Democrats only policy breaks down…

Filed in National by on February 4, 2007 1 Comment

…when it comes to Sussex County Council. From my limited understanding, the Democrats on the Sussex County Coucil are dishonoring the family. Nancy Willing reports that Citizen’s for a Better Sussex’s Joan Deaver is starting the push for new blood with this call to arms today: And as to land use in Sussex, I am […]

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Poll Results: Bush Worse than Osama Bin Laden, Kim Jong Il, and Satan

Filed in National by on February 4, 2007 2 Comments


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