Nicola Tesla To Run For Governor

Filed in National by on March 1, 2007


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  1. doctornick says:

    “Vote for me. I invented radar!”

  2. fred says:

    I must say that this is a shocking development.

  3. liberalgeek says:

    He did an excellent version of the classic “Signs” in the early 90’s.

  4. Joe M says:

    As a big fan of Tesla, this post hits close to ohm. I’ll stop before all o’fuse with low resistance to puns bolt.

  5. oedipa maas says:

    Awesome Joe M!

    I just dropped by to say that Mr. Tesla has a slight resemblance to David Bowie (or is that the other way around?) (for those who saw The Prestige).

  6. anon says:

    I was hoping Tesla would put in a bid on the energy RFP.

  7. anon says:

    Here is a simulated view of Tesla’s energy proposal as seen from the shore on a moderately hazy day.