Delaware Liberal

Around the Horn Friday: Wayne Smith Cash-in Edition

The departure of Wayne Smith this week dominated several of the local blogs. Some of the best coverage was by First State Politics. Let it never be said that I don’t give credit when it is due. Of course, Dave is also calling in the reinforcements. This could be a fun election. Hopefully it is another chance to vote against Republicans. Lucky Claymonters.

On the other wingnut website, the only thing that I could really endorse was Hube’s coverage of a well placed spelling error at the Snooze Journal.

Blue State Rising has a piece that was spun off of a WNJ story earlier in the week. The most highly bribed wined-and-dined lobbied House member is Terry Spence. Terry, can you hook a brother up for the Police reunion concert?

Over at Delaware Grapevine, it is all Wayne Smith, all the time.

Dana is covering the implications of sex change for a Largo, FL official. Good thing I keep my equipment in the refrigerator next to the pickles (Mrs. Geek’s orders).

Donviti has a story on why Rudy is worse than Bush. At least Bush was signed up for the military (I’m just sayin’).

Mike at Down with Absolutes is taking it personally that Wayne Smith is leaving.

Karmic Jay is going on vacation or something… Somewhat mysteriously he doesn’t know when he will be back…

Kavips gets all Lettermanesque on the stock markets’ jitters.

Kilroy is nuts. He is the only one who could possibly say in the same breath that John Kowalko caused Wayne Smith to resign AND say that it proves that Kowalko is a rookie…

Over at MeritBoundAlley, Joe is talking about how we kill people that kill people. We call that modeling behavior.

M.O.T. Newbie seems to still be hung over from the beers we had together last weekend.

Nancy at Delaware Way has an exhaustive list of the dubious “accomplishments” of Wayne Smith.

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