Air America gets a New Lease

Filed in National by on March 6, 2007

Air America got a second chance today as the Green Family purchased it.  I have listened to Air America as I traveled around the country (no stations reach DE yet) and I really enjoyed several shows.  Unfortunately, some of the hosts that I loved are gone (Franken and Garofalo).  It will be interesting to see where they end up going over the next few months and years.  I am looking forward to a vast left-wing conspiracy…

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  1. Dr. Nick says:

    Air America is excellent radio. Clear Channel *yuck* is starting to pick up some programs – I think there is a huge untapped demand here in Delaware.

  2. liberalgeek says:

    agreed. I used to get Al Franken on a podcast and I would listen as I took an evening walk. I laughed my way around the neighborhood and was a bit better enlightened when I got home.

  3. Franken gave up his show in exchange for the opportunity to get his butt whipped in a Democratic primary in Minnesota for the US Senate.