Bush Impeached! (in VT)

Filed in National by on March 7, 2007

Across the state of Vermont, town meetings were held with mayors, councilmen and some apparently very angry voters.  In meeting after meeting resolutions were presented to impeach the President and Vice-President.  At least 36 towns had voted for impeachment by the end of the evening.  This is an effort to convince Congressman Peter Welch to introduce Articles of Impeachment.  Good luck Vermont.

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  1. Dr. Nick says:

    I love it. Grassroots action at its finest. Remind me to propose an impeachment resolution at the next Dover ciity council meeting.

  2. Joe M says:

    I’d like to think that grassroots politics, at its finest, could actually accomplish something. Not to disparage what the folks in VT have done, of course.

  3. Dr Nick says:

    Good point. Maybe I was charmed by the Norman Rockwell picture I formed in my mind while reading the linked to article.