Ethics panel finds Atkins broke House rules

Filed in National by on March 7, 2007

The News Journal Reports:

Closed-door inquiry finds Millsboro Republican’s conduct in traffic stop brought House ‘into disrepute’

Next question: Will Atkins be suspended, expeled, censured, reprimanded or fined?

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  1. anon says:

    Should read: “Wayne Smith resignation deal breaks deadlock, allows Ethics Committee to find against Atkins without implicating Smith.”

  2. liberalgeek says:

    That is great. No libel for anonymous sources…

    My money is on a reprimand.

  3. anon says:

    …hmmm, that’s just opinion and conjecture, of course, just like anything else on this blog.

    Smith must be very happy to be rid of the mess. After Smith announced his departure it surely greased the process to be able to focus on Atkins and his DUI, rather than his pre-election dealings.

  4. G Rex says:

    I’m hereby redoubling my efforts to get Vince Lofink to reconsider on HB4 and reintroduce it.

  5. anon says:

    In a first in anonymous blog commenting, I disavow comment 5:01 as not fair to Smith. True, there is every reason to conjecture about why the facts didn’t come out until after the election. And, the closed ethics session doesn’t help dampen speculation.

    But now that I have re-read the old clips, the reported facts point more to Atkins than to anyone else.

  6. kavips says:

    Hopefully by this time next year, these ethics hearings, as a result of a new openness in government, will be able to expose all their dirty little “Seacrets”,