Romney Bribes His Way to the Right

Filed in National by on March 10, 2007

It looks like FSP’s dog in the Presidential fight, Romney, has been making inroads with the wingers by bribing their way into their hearts.  His foundation contributed between 10 and 15 grand to each of three winger organizations in Mass.  Nothing like greasing the skids a little, eh?  This dovetails nicely with the money that Romney spent on staff at CPAC.

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  1. anon says:

    I’m sure we’ll soon hear how bribes are not unethical but the expression of our American “can do” spirit.

  2. anon says:

    Haven’t you heard? In the wingnut-o-sphere, gifts of money are “free speech” and are protected by the First Amendment.

  3. doctornick says:

    Relax everyone. It is all all okay. Maybe you missed this sentence:

    The recipients of Mr. Romney’s donations said the money had no influence on them.

    See? No harm, no foul.

  4. karmicjay says:

    It is only a bribe when dems do it!

  5. happycon says:

    Soros Buys Another Politician

    By: Administrative Account | Source: Cliff Kincaid

    March 12, 2007 11:47AM EST

    By Cliff Kincaid

    Political observers knew that Barack Obama was for real as a presidential candidate when Democratic Party money-bags George Soros took an interest in him. But Soros has also purchased the services of other candidates. One of them, Governor Bill Richardson of New Mexico, is currently trying to strong-arm state legislators into passing a Soros-backed “medical marijuana” bill. Records show that Richardson took $50,000 from Soros and a Soros front group during his re-election campaign for governor.

  6. anon says:

    From GOPUSA, that paragon of objective journalism.

    If you have any real defense of Romney’s contributions I’m sure Delawareliberal readers, myself included, would be eager to hear it.