Delaware Liberal

Around the Horn Friday: Bedtime for Gonzo Edition

It has been a week of sad anniversaries, political intrigue and Dick Cathcart giving John Atkins a safe ride home. In addition, I have cleaned up the blogroll a little, as promised. If anyone is unhappy with their placement, let me know. I am not tied to the classification of any of them, except Hube, FSP and our newest addition, Gazizza (gesundheit!).  Here’s to a new AG in April.

It has been a banner week for Tommywonk. Today is the deadline for comments to Karen Nickerson at the Public Service Commission. Tom has been posting all week around the subject. Please read up and get your comments in today. We can make a difference in this fight.

Dana has also been busy over at DelawareWatch, but he took some time to post a sad obituary for the wife of Dave Crossan, Elizabeth Crossan. DelawareLiberal also extends our deepest sympathies to Dave and his family.

Donviti has given a nice face lift to De la Where. He has a good link to Nicholas Kristof’s piece about how Cheney is conspiring to make Iraq the most powerful country in the middle-east. Thanks, Darth.

Down With Absolutes is upset that Red Clay is paying no attention to Cab Calloway. I’m sure there is a joke it there, but I can’t seem to think or one now.

Jesus’ General has a great theory about what caused the 18 day gap in emails about the US Attorney scandal. It’s amazing what you can get people to admit to when you torture them.

Karmic Jay is making dessert. Sanjay, call me. I can come over for dessert any day.

Over at Liberal Delight, Ryan is comparing the White House to a Frat House. I suspect that the Greeks on campus might take issue with the comparison.

Nancy Willing will not be silenced! She is making the case for preserving some historic land and pulling some serious revolutionary war era history out of her hind quarters. Go get ’em Nancy. I drive by that farm every day and would rather see it preserved.

Everyones favorite blogger, Celia Cohen has a nice cut at why labor unions are happy with the Delaware Republican leadership. Good blogging Celia, you are a gift to blogkind.

Mike Mahaffie has a doppelgänger in California. The similarities are scary… OK, not really.

MOT Newbie is still on hiatus waiting for that baby to arrive. Shit, Angelina Jolie has gotten two kids in as long as it’s taking this baby to come.

Duffy over at Pencader Days has a review of movie reviews. And I’m posting about a post… deep. Oh and we gonna fight about your review of Crash.

Mike Protack has a post up about how some pols want to increase tax revenue by sending more jack-booted thugs to collect the taxes. Welcome to the Horn, Mike.

Hube at the Colossus of Rhodey thinks that Hazleton, PA is within their rights to enforce their own immigration rules. Nevermind that they don’t have jurisdiction, but the facts don’t usually get in the way of Hube…

Dave Burris at FSP points out that there is a reason why DHS is crazy.

Paul Smith has some coverage of the implications of Elizabeth Edwards’ new cancer diagnosis.

Into the Good and Evil defends David Legates’ freedom of speech.

Jokers to the Right has some coverage of the cloning bills in the State House and Senate.

Finally, Kilroy has a story about how the State DoE hasn’t been getting its homework done on time.

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