Delaware Liberal

The First Anti-Mike Castle/Pro-Executive Branch Accountability Ad of the Season

OMINOUS ANNOUNCER WITH DEEP, RASPY VOICE: Republican politician Michael Castle voted against a bill to provide our troops with vital funding. (HR1591 Link)

Shockingly, Republican politician Michael Castle sided with George Bush and voted to send troops back into battle without being fully-trained, fully-equipped and battle-ready.

The funding that Republican politician, Michael Castle voted against was badly needed for delivering of vital resources for our troops, like armor, food and other critical supplies that help them fight the war on terror and protect our children. But Michael Castle decided to PLAY POLITICS and shut off funding for our troops. That’s right. Republican Michael Castle SAYS he supports the troops, but then voted to SHUT OFF THE FUNDING for training and supplying them.

When called on to stand up for our troops, Republican politician, Michael Castle stood with George Bush. Don’t our troops deserve better than this? Tell the politicians like Michael Castle that you are sick and tired of them playing politics with our country’s security.


This has the virtue of being 100% true.

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