Delaware Liberal

Jokers to the Right Hits the Wingnut Trifecta

Dependably idiotic, Ryan at JTTR has the following deep thoughts on Iraq:

1) …there is no military-only solution to stabilizing Iraq…

2) …we are losing the war in part because we are losing public support for it…because there are so few reports that demonstrate enough progress being made…

3) I think we need to give the surge a chance.

Oh, where to start? If only he was able to lift his head from his dorm room risk game long enough to listen to reason four years ago – I could have told him that a “military-only solution” was not workable. But Nooooo…he had to cheerlead for the “Toby Keith” approach.

Oh well. That is so much spilled milk. Ryan is now wondering why bombing the shit out of everything and randomly killing folks is not winning the Iraqis over to the idea of Freedom and Democracy. It looked so good on paper, right?

In a way it is entertaining to watch Ryan grope for an explanation for this riddle that fits his worldview. Because you know what is coming….wait for it…..YES!

It is the media’s fault for not printing the GOOD news about Iraq. (Damn media!!)

Well, that explains why Iraq is FUBAR – but what to do now? If you guessed “stay the course” you, like Ryan, win the wingnut trifecta. If only he had blamed President Clinton for the USS Cole bombing he would have been eligible for the big money round.

Better luck next time Ryan.

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