Newt NO Speako Good ESpanisho

Filed in National by on April 5, 2007


I hope to god the guy runs for President.

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  1. anon says:

    Newt cleared it all up though: When he said Spanish was the “language of living in the ghetto,” what he really meant was HEBREW was the language of living in the ghetto. See? All better.

    Somebody hand Newt a shovel.

  2. anon says:

    Actually his Spanish wasn’t all that bad; given that he admitted he needed to work on it.

    What got me was that he re-iterated his opposition to bi-lingual education IN SPANISH. You know, just in case any Spanish-speaking voters missed it the first time, when he said it in English.

  3. anon says:

    If reading off phonetic cue cards is speaking Spanish, then my Spanish is pretty good too.

  4. what was most disgusting was that he was speaking to upper/middle class Republican women who applauded his bigotry, laughing like the vulgar bitches they were.

  5. Disbelief says:

    #3. I noted that too. I thought ABBA did a better job of phonetic lipsync.