Why Mormonism May be a Problem for Romney

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 5, 2007

I don’t care what religion a candidate is.  Just don’t shove it down my throat (Hint, hint George).  But that doesn’t mean that the same sort of whack jobs that supported Bush only because he was born again don’t exist in Mormonism.  A friend shot me a link to a blog where the Mormon husband and wife that ran the company hosting her blog didn’t like a link that she had to Jesus’ General regarding the Mormon faith.  So they started editing her posts.  It only goes downhill from there…  She is with a different hosting company now.  I wonder how much of this we will see if Mitt becomes the front-runner?  I guess he can always claim that he has changed his mind and he is now a Baptist.


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  1. anon says:

    I guess he can always claim that he has changed his mind and he is now a Baptist.


  2. liberalgeek says:

    be sure to tip your waitress…

  3. Alma says:

    It’s interesting how news morphs from one site to another. The first account I saw of the attack of the Marsh woman (from the horse’s blog) said she was receiving free hosting from two Mormons who sent her a message that they couldn’t support her as she attacked their religious beliefs so they shut down her (free) account from their system. Now I read that they “edited her posts.” I wonder which it is? Are these two soon to be infamous Mormons so stupid they’d edit someone else’s web site or are they just not interested in giving free access to someone who mocks things that are important to them? Inquiring minds would like to know…

  4. liberalgeek says:

    The link has the whole story albeit from her side of the story. You can see in her post that they edited her blog to take out offensive links. Also, this was confirmed to me by a person involved peripherally in the move of hosting facilities. Perhaps I can arrange an interview…