Delaware Liberal

Around the Horn Friday: Hoppin’ Down the the Bunny Trail Edition

It has been a busy week for me personally, so sorry that I haven’t posted much. Damn corporate intrigue. Luckily, in my relative absence, donviti has stepped in and filled the void. Great posts dude. Myself, Tom Noyes, Jason and donviti (just missing Dr. Nick) all converged on Iron Hill last week for Drinking Liberally. I highly recommend it. Tom Noyes gives out autographs, too. This week also saw the early return of Jason under the new handle of Jason330. Welcome back friend.

The big news in the blogosphere this week is the arrival of MOT Newbie’s baby girl. Make sure you stop by and wish the family well. He is a friend and a gentleman and a good Dad, I bet. Hope the hiatus is short term.

Tommywonk has some comments culled from the PSC filings of friends of wind power. Great catches, those.

Donviti has a surprise [snark] winner in the recent corn production surge. It ain’t the little guy.

Over at Delaware Watch, Dana has some decorating tips for legislators. pulled from the “slippery like dumplings” Thurman Adams’ filings.

KarmicJay has some yummy recipes (mmmm FLAN!) and some Zen of being a hybrid owner. I can relate.

The big can of whoop-ass is opened on the bubble-boy and his cabal over at kavips. Also some comment rescue and drug-induced flashback.

Over at Liberal Delight, Ryan is already starting to get into the Philadelphia spirit by feeling a sensation of impending doom over the Phillies. Only 159 games to go.

At Delaware Way, Nancy celebrates a victory on preserving some historic land in Pencader hundred. Rock on Nancy.

Blog Queen, Celia Cohen, has some analysis of the two seats that Republicans are trying to defend, plus other positions they may have to fill.

Mike Mahaffie has found an interesting photo site with some historical pictures. He also has found a Delaware shaped puddle. He also included me in his April Fools round-up (Sorry, Dave).

Pencader Days thinks that we need benchmarks, not timetables in Iraq. I’m not convinced, but there is a lot to mull over in the post.

Mike Protack is suggesting that we need to make the tax system more simple. Guess who bought the 67,000 pages of loopholes…

Hube has a post about minority comics. Now we know how to set him off… Actually, how do you NOT set him off…

Dave Burris has returned from a self-imposed hiatus. Welcome back, Dave. He has a post comparing our budgetary process and New Jersey’s, holding it up as a reason for HB4 to be considered directly by the Senate.

OK, so Gazizza is worth it today just to see the Worst. First. Pitch. Ever. It’s Good Friday, so I’ll be nice to Paul.

Into Good and Evil has an egg hunt (Now with more spermy goodness) . Nothing like sperm to get you in the Easter spirit.

Over at JttR, Ryan has a riff on a John Lennon Tune “All we are saying is give surge a chance…” Right, what’s the worst that can happen…? Oh yeah a civil war with our guys standing in the middle.

Kilroy wants you to know about HB28. It is a school funding bill for leasing of facilities.

That’s all we’ve got. Next week keep an eye out for an interview with Bryon Short. Happy Easter all.

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