The Mike Castle defense: “I’m a dumbass!”

Filed in National by on April 7, 2007

Check out Congressman Barney Fife defending himself in this NJ story about the Republican program to corrupt the GSA and other governmental agencies by turning them into departments of the RNC.

Neither Castle nor his staff knew his name was part of the presentation until he got a call Friday from The News Journal. He wasn’t even certain what the GSA does…


h/t to nancy for pointing me toward an anon comment that I missed on Friday.

UPDATE: He may not know much about the GSA, but watch Congressman Fife give Andy a lesson on the Constitution.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. anon says:

    Even better was this quote:

    “I want to just go about doing my job without worrying about the political repercussions of an election.” – Congressman Michael Castle (link)

    I’m sure he meant it in the GOOD way.

  2. jason330 says:

    Thanks for that link. I don’t know how I missed this DCCC slap down of Congressman Fife:

    “Time after time, Mike Castle has chosen his party over the people of his district,” said Carrie James, a committee spokeswoman. “He claims to support our troops but votes to slash programs for our veterans. He claims to fight for better schools but votes to cut funding for critical education programs.

    “It’s time that Delawareans have a representative who shares their values every day, not just during campaign season, and we’re aggressively recruiting a candidate who will do just that.”

  3. I am not convinced of the good Representative’s veracity here.

  4. anon says:

    Jeez, that picture of Barney Fife is practically life-sized.