This is Bullshit

Filed in National by on April 11, 2007

Rep. Castle hosts statewide electronic tele-town hall meeting

DELAWARE — U.S. Rep. Michael Castle will host a statewide electronic tele-town hall meeting with random constituents Wednesday evening, April 11, beginning at 6:30 p.m.

Castle will give a short message then open the telephone lines to Delaware residents who are called and opt to participate, according to Elizabeth Wenk, Castle’s deputy chief of staff.

“We did it the first time a month ago,” Wenk said. She said Castle made an opening statement regarding the Iraq War and anticipated many callers would have strong opinions for and against the war. However, Wenk said, surprisingly only one caller discussed the war while others talked the Castle regarding issues they were facing daily. Issues such as education and even an Airman who told of problems he was having with military benefits.

The upcoming tele-town hall meeting begins again with a brief statement from Castle then the lines are opened to the public.

Not everyone can participate however. Wenk said their office is working with a vendor who makes rolling calls throughout the state. As callers accept the offer, fewer lines become available.

The town meeting lasts at least an hour, but the first one went on for nearly 90 minutes.

Have a REAL townhall meeting you COWARD!!!! What is that spineless geek Castle worried about?

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  1. anon says:

    This is nothing more than a push poll.

  2. liberalgeek says:

    hey, watch that use of the word “geek” 🙂

  3. anon2 says:

    What is that spineless WEASEL Castle worried about?

    That’s and easy one.

    He is worried about being asked a real question about his support for George Bush AND being asked a follow-up question when he breaks out his usual double talk.

  4. anon says:

    I thought maybe Castle had been replaced with some kind of virtual Max Headroom character.