Around the Horn Friday: Special Election Edition I

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 13, 2007

If you live in the 7th Representative District, get out and vote tomorrow, and vote for Bryon Short. Good luck Bryon!

We start things off right with Tommywonk (a nutritious part of this delicious breakfast). Tom has a nice piece on one of the many things that brought down Imus, guest rebellion.

I am fascinated by a posting at DelawareWatch revealing a three year old Supreme Court decision that says that the City of Wilmington is responsible for fixing the sidewalk in front of city homes. I have the feeling that a day of reckoning is in store for the city.

Donviti is doing much better than me at updating his own blog with useful information. This week he has a Joe Biden jag. Good cajones on Joey B.

I like the Karmasheetra featured by KarmicJay. It could make for an interesting weekend, but you could ache in some pretty interesting places on Monday morning.

Kavips has a series about what our priorities should be in the coming Presidential election. Ideas are offered in open source format. Nice job.

Ryan over at Liberal Delight is cheering that Newt is in the correct camp for global warming. Newt said that we should reduce our carbon emissions. Amen, adulterer.

Nancy has some coverage of the latest White House scandal, the RNC email Scandal. I plan to write a little about this soon. Nancy’s post an interesting point about how the RNC even saw through the Rove shenanigans. Love the pic, too.

Citizens for a Better Sussex has a little chronology about NRG’s coal gasification proposal. And it would have worked if it wasn’t for those pesky windmills.

Uber-blogger Celia Cohen has the secret blow-by-blow of Atkins v. Burris. Luckily, our friendly opposition won the day and Adkins is apparently repudiated. Well, at least that’s settled.

Mike Mahaffie is off-line while sunning himself in southern climes. We can talk about him and he’ll never know it…

Meanwhile MOT Newbie is still on hiatus. He acts like a baby is a big deal or something.

Over at Pencader Days, there are some pretty funny pics. I like the map a lot.

Mike Protack has some more ideas, one is about using technology in health care. Here’s another efficiency idea, take the profit out of paying the bills.

Hube has some good Imus stuff. But what I really like is the post about Atkins demanding that Burris choose between blogging and party chairmanship. Man I am really starting to hate that guy (Atkins, that is).

Dave Burris seems to have moderated in his posting frequency. He claims to have no time to post. Perhaps he is just having trouble coordinating all of the volunteers that are streaming in for the RD7 election.

I continue to be dumbfounded by Paul Smith. He and his girlfriend decided to make Wednesday night “reading night” so that he could finish Founding Brothers. Hmmm.

Over at JttR, Ryan has a guest blogger for the weekend. Maybe we can torment him for the next few days.

Kilroy is on an illegal immigrant streak. Xenophobes Gone Wild!

Well, I’m spending my weekend throwing birthday parties for a 6 year old. We’ll see how much posting I’ll get in. Thank god for Donviti, Jason, Dr. Nick and Tommywonk. Rock on.


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  1. doctornick says:

    This “’round the horn” is a great public service.

    That map at Pencader days is funny.

    Luckily, our friendly opposition won the day and Adkins is apparently repudiated. Well, at least that’s settled.

    tee hee

    Newt said that we should reduce our carbon emissions. Amen, adulterer.


  2. anon says:

    This looks fun. It is a nationwide Gonzo resignation office pool.