Obama opposed the Iraq war from the start

Filed in National by on April 14, 2007


Don’t let any Green Party nut cases members tell you otherwise. I think we all know that it the Green Party is a subsidiary of the Republican National Commitee.

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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. » Obama opposed the Iraq war from the start | April 14, 2007
  1. anon says:

    the Green Party is a subsidiary of the Republican National Commitee.

    It’s worse that that. The Green National Party awarded the PA Greens the honor of hosting the Green National Convention (link):

    Faced with spending four days in cabins in Olympia, Wash., or checking into hotel rooms in downtown Reading, Green Party national delegates voted 75-17 to hold the meeting in Reading.

    Ironically, in the Abraham Lincoln hotel.

    No word on whether Rick Santorum will be the keynote speaker.

  2. Dana Garrett says:

    It’s always a weakness of a reply to someone’s position when you don’t respond to the argument the person made.

    My point was that Obama has voted TEN TIMES to fund the continuation of the Iraq war. Therefore, it’s irrelevant what Obama’s stated position was at the war’s beginning. He now actively supports it. That he denies he supports as policy what he supports w/ his vote is only proof of his hypocrisy.

    Besides, Obama has stated that if elected he will continue to maintain a reduced USA troop presence in Iraq. Therefore, not only is he an hypocrite but he is naive as well. Our troop presence in Iraq will be be perceived correctly as US hegemony.

  3. anon says:

    …Green Party national delegates voted 75-17 to hold the meeting in Reading.

    In related news, Reading hookers announced they all planned to be out of town that week.

  4. jason330 says:


    You only like the guy from Ohio now becuase he is the most unloved puppy in the pound. (You are such a social worker that you are even warming up to John Atkins now for heaven sakes. I struggled mightliy to not comment on that and now, alas, I have failed.)

    Have your contrarian fun. Meanwhile the serious people who oppose this war will be working to elect a Democrat. That’s all.

  5. Dana Garrett says:

    “You only like the guy from Ohio now becuase he is the most unloved puppy in the pound.”

    There you go again…trying to play the psychic and read minds when you can’t respond to the facts. I supported DK the last time he ran.

    Here are the facts once more: Obama voted to fund the war TEN TIMES. Tell your readers how that isn’t supporting the war.

    Obama saids he would maintain troops in Iraq. Tell your readers how that means he will withdraw the troops from Iraq.

    If I were now to resort to reading minds, I’d say that you don’t support DK because you want to belong to the mainstream party hacks because it’s too scary for you to support non-establishment candidates.

  6. jason330 says:

    I think we have a history to work with. So it does not take a mind reader to see that you can’t support a candidate without vilifying the candidates that are close (but not close enough) to your ideal. (You argue that Obama’s position is no different from Hillary Clinton’s or George Bush’s. That is absurd on its face and not worthy of a reply. If you are still confused watch the video again. )

    The bottom line is that Green Party’s absolutists scorched earth policy helps Republicans. It gives folks like you a feeling of purity by contrasting yourself with the somewhat less-pure while leaving George Bush, Mike Castle et al off the hook. That does not seem to bother you. Fine. It is a free country.

    But I’m still going to comment on the absurdity of that position.

  7. anon says:

    Putting aside the personal animosity with you and Dana it is obvious that Dana is correct here.

    If you think Kucinich is unelectable just say it. But don’t try to paper over Obama’s hypocrisy here by taking a bunch of diversionary side trips to Green Party hating land.

    Come on Jason you have been crazy against this war. Now you are giving concessions to Democrats trying to have it both ways?

    This smells of rank partisanship getting the best of your intellectual honesty. If Obama voted to fund the war he is no better than Castle no matter how shrill you scream it differently.

  8. jason330 says:

    Well you are correct about two things. Kucinich is unelectable and I’m crazy against the war.

    You are also wrong about two things. Obama is no better than Castle (absurd) and that I am giving concessions to Democrats trying to have it both ways.

    Even with my dirty hippie views of the war, I’m very comfortable with where Barack Obama, John Edwards and Kucinich’s position on the war. Hillary Clinton is right out.

    Overall, two correct out of four is an “F”.

    BTW- I know this kind of “who is the real liberal” pissing match is manna from heaven for you beaten down Republican types – so I’m done with it. Have a nice day.