Delaware Liberal

Short Wins!!! UPDATED w/ John Kowalko & Mike Castle tie in

Democrat Byron Short beats Wayne Smith crony, James Bowers by 200 votes.

Dems take another seat in Leg. Hall. Congratulation to Bryon and evryone who helped out with this effort.

Two things looking at the results:

BRYON SHORT Votes: 2210 absentee: 64 total: 2274 – 52 . 6 %

JAMES BOWERS Votes: 1975 absentee: 73 total: 2048 – 47 . 4 %

1) Due to the tight time frame of the special, the GOP did not clobber us with absentee votes like they have in the past.

2) 200 sounds like a slim margin – but the 52.6% vs. 47.4% makes this a decisive victory.

People are still fired up to vote against REPUBLICANISM and for a fresh start at every level of government.

A diarist at kos covers the domino effect that was set in motion my electing John Kowalko.

With national coverage of the blue-ing of Delaware I’m thinking that we are going to have three Democrats in Washington after the next election.

UPDATE II: Mike Castle’s contribution to Bowers defeat figures heavily in superblogger Celia Cohen’s analysis (LINK)

I had not heard that Castle was working as hard as he did for Bowers, but given Cohen’s multiple mentions of Castle’s yeomanry and despite the fact that even with Castle’s “help,” Bowers lost in heavily Republican election districts – I think this election can clearly be viewed as a repudiation of Mike Castle. People smiled an nodded at Congressman Doofus, closed the front door and said, “Yeah…right.”

[Note: Congressman Doofus shifts the blame for Bowers loss to George Bush without having the guts to come out and say it.]

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