Delaware Liberal

(McCain – Money) + Iraq War = Romney is it.

As reported here a few weeks back, John McCain is done.

That means barring a Fred Thompson announcement, Mitt Romney is going to be the Republican nominee.

Romney could make trouble for Barack Obama (or Hillary Clinton, or John Edwards) in a couple of ways. 1) Romney has taken over the Bush money raising operations and knows how to use it. Although he is still unknown by rank and file Republicans, they will warm up to him if they see him as a winner. 2) For all of his flip-floppery – Romney strikes me as a kind of Republican Bill Clinton. Like Clinton Romney has the ability to be on every side of any given issue simultaneously. Walking the razor’s edge of credibility is risky, but as President Clinton showed, it can be done.

On the plus side for Democrats, Romney is a Republican and the voters are sick and tired of Republican who say that victory in Iraq is just over the horizon.

Congratulations to Dave Burris for his man outlasting Mike Castle’s and Game On!!

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