A quick poll

Filed in National by on April 17, 2007

Are guns too easy to get in the US? Yes or No

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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. anon says:

    I don’t have one but my impression is guns are too easy to get illegally. Legally, gun purchase seems to range from too easy to too hard depending on where and who you are.

  2. Rebecca says:

    This isn’t original, I read it on a blog somewhere, but what happened at Virginia Tech on Monday is equivalent to what happens at least two or three times a day, everyday, 365/24/7 in Iraq.

    It’s asymetrical violence perpetrated by people who don’t care if they die. On Monday there was one such person in America. On any day in Iraq there are at least hundreds, maybe thousands.

    Certainly we need to enforce our gun laws.
    And those who are calling for arms on campus are simply crazy.

    Maybe instead of more gun laws we need to be thinking in terms of more mental health care.

  3. Disbief says:

    So if we pass gun control laws in Iraq, problem solved?

  4. liberalgeek says:

    I think we are already going door to door and taking guns from the Iraqis. If I remember correctly, someone referred that as the first thing that a fascist regime does when they take over…

  5. Disbief says:

    My point, exactly.

  6. Rebecca says:

    Um, the point was that when somebody is going bezerk a gun law isn’t likely to stop him or her. It might be better to try to stop the bezerkness. How’s that for a liberal? I don’t see gun laws affecting the kind of people who are just plain crazy. As we’ve seen in Iraq, if they can’t get guns they hi-jack a chlorine truck. If you are determined to kill yourself and everyone around you then you will find a way.

  7. liberalgeek says:

    Partially true, Rebecca. I would posit that unfettered access to a highly efficient means of killing people makes the death toll during acts of lunacy rise. Chlorine trucks certainly do have the ability to kill many, but they are regulated also. Finally, the best way to hijack one is at gunpoint.

    Your funding for mental health is certainly well-founded, though.

  8. steamboat willy says:

    TN moves to allow guns in public buildings
    By News Sentinel staff
    April 18, 2007

    NASHVILLE — In a surprise move, a House panel voted today to repeal a state law that forbids the carrying of handguns on property and buildings owned by state, county and city governments — including parks and playgrounds.
    “I think the recent Virginia disaster — or catastrophe or nightmare or whatever you want to call it — has woken up a lot of people to the need for having guns available to law-abiding citizens,” said Rep. Frank Niceley, R-Strawberry Plains. “I hope that is what this vote reflects.”

  9. Kevin says:

    We don’t have nearly enough guns. I rarely (meaning never) see one of these cowards attack a rifle club or police academy. Nope – they pick places where gun control does exist – liberal colleges, Amish schoolhouses, suburban high schools in CO. Heck, I don’t even see it happening in a city HS. Guess the cowards haven’t the guts to pull that crap in a North Philly High.