and now a few words from your pResident
Presiden Bush yesterday was at it again trying to urge Democrats to pass a $100,000,000,000.00 spending bill.
I smell the fear card again…..
Congress needs to put partisanship on hold, needs to get rid of all the politics right now, and send me an emergency war spending bill that I can sign, that gets our troops the support they need and gives our commanders the flexibility they need to complete this mission,”
Good thing we aren’t using the troops as a straw man too. I like how all of a sudden he gets to say when D.C. can play politics.
“The American people expect the leaders in Washington to find common ground, but they also expect the Congress and the White House to work together to make sure our troops get funded, quickly. We should not legislate defeat in this vital war.”
So he said that right, but then “Bush also served notice that at a meeting Wednesday with congressional leaders he will not negotiate with Democrats”
I guess working together has a different meaning to Harvard MBA’s?
He was chalk full of one liners yesterday though. Whipping out all the goodies.
“If we do not defeat the terrorists and extremists in Iraq, they won’t leave us alone,” he said. “They will follow us to the United States of America. That’s what makes this battle in the war on terror so incredibly important.”
Man, he has got some balls doesn’t he. Is it an election year that I don’t know of?
And in closing I bring you this lovely nugget:
“Our troops face depraved and determined enemies, enemies that could just as easily come here to kill us.”
You wont get an arguement from me on that last one George…
Tags: Bush, Bush's FUBAR War, The War of Terror
It is sickening to me that Republicans like Mike Castle either
a) still fall for this absolute bullshit, or
b) continue to pretend that the emperor is wearing a fine garment when they know full well the guy is buck naked.
He is worried partisan activities might cause us to lose the war?
WTF? When were we ever winning, standing a chance of winning?
If Bush doesn’t want the troops in harm’s way, then get them out! Apparently, the only thing he’s gotten done over there is pissing off the populace and creating more terrorists.
there was so much in that speech man. He whipped out 9/11, Iraq, Terrorist, the troops, Democrats, partisan politics,
the guy’s head must have been spinning.
short of the famous wolf commercial playing on a loop over his shoulder I don’t know what else was missing.
“short of the famous wolf commercial playing on a loop over his shoulder I don’t know what else was missing.”
His walking into a closet or trying to yank open a locked door, at the end of the speech.
the locked door face is priceless god what a maroon.
I. can’t. stand. it.