Delaware Liberal

Right Wing trying to score politcal (Pro-Gun) points off national tragedy

I’m somewhat stunned and numb about the shootings in Virginia. And yet piercing the haze is the complete crap being peddled by wingnuts that more guns are the answer to this kind of tragedy.

No sooner had I returned home last night than I saw the truly vile and horrendous Michelle Malkin making that case, this morning I read at Kos that “Istapundit” Glenn Reynolds thinks more guns are needed in our nation’s classrooms, and to top all of that off – the normally sane Al Mascitti seemed to agree with a string on nit wits on this morning who think more guns would make us safer.

Honest to God, these people have no shame whatsoever. The fact that guns are so easy to get is at the heart of this devastating tragedy – but WTF!!! Let’s make them even EASIER to get.

UPDATE: The other rightwing Bullshit talking point going around is that the victims were a bunch of wussies who should have “fought back.” This one is sooo infuriating to me.

Where in the world do these conservatives pukes get off thinking that they would have been some kind of hero in this situation?

It’s nauseating.

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