Delaware Liberal

Around the Horn Friday: Remember the Hokies Edition

We’re back again with another installment of around the horn. This week has been gut-wrenching as the horror of VT came more into focus as the week progressed. It may have been the best thing for Gonzo, though, as many people just had to turn off the TV after the latest news from Blacksburg and missed the ass-whipping that Gonzo received.

Local blogger news is that Donviti has decided to drop his blog to better balance his life. On the flip-side, he will be a regular contributer here, so don’t get too excited you nasty neocons.

Another DL contributer, Tommywonk, will be appearing on Saturday with Voldemort Hube on WILM at 10:30AM. Be sure to tune in (although I’ll be out of town, so I’ll have to get the reviews secondhand).

Our favorite drinking buddy was in the local news again this week. As far as I can tell the scoop came from the super-blogger Celia Cohen with her duck-inspired post about the way the Republicans are going to be destroyed in the 41st because of the Atkins write-in campaign. Riffs on this issue were made at Down with Absolutes, Delaware Way, and by Jason here at DL. On the right, Hube covers it over at the Colossus of Rhodey. Bottom line, no one in their right mind would vote for John Atkins, but there are a lot of Republicans in the 41st… 🙂

On the right this week there was a lot of fist pumping over the SCOTUS decision on partial-birth abortion. Paul over at Gazziza was predictably happy and makes the point that I think should have been made years ago, the election of Bush and his subsequent SCOTUS appointments are moving the line on abortion rights.

One of the pleasant developments this week was the election of Bryon Short over Wayne Smith’s neighbor. The shockwaves created by this event may very well have lead to the Cathcart chuck-and-duck (h/t Buddy Ryan) yesterday. It is certainly bothering the conservative side of DE politics. Take Jud’s Rant, usually an annoying bleating, I sensed real fear in his writing.

Dana has a great post about Pete McCloskey, a former Republican Presidential candidate and his decision to turn Democrat. Now if only we could convince Dave Burris…

On a lighter note, over at Karmic Musings, Jay has a link to a story at NPR about the food critic that just won the Pulitzer for criticism (I’m shooting for that title next year, I think my family has won this award several times). I heard the story also, and it did encourage me to try a few new foods next time I’m in California.

Back to reality, Kavips has a post about how Darth Cheney caused this war to enrich himself and his friends.

Over at Liberal Delight, Ryan is jumping off of the Phillies bandwagon. 10% is in the can and Ryan is done with them. He does have some helpful suggestions, though. Mark my words, Ryan. They will come back stronger soon. If I’ve learned anything as a Philadelphia sports fan, it’s that Philly teams never break your heart in a way that frees up the rest of the season. You’ll get back on the wagon just in time to ride it off of the cliff.

The VT shootings brought Merit-bound alley back from the brink of obsolescence. I thought that this post summed it up quite well.

Mike over at Mike’s Musings has returned from vacation that sounds terrific to comment on the national coverage of our favorite local drunk.

If Jason’s return from anonymity has done nothing else, it has drawn out comments from the diaper-changing MOT Newbie. This time it is to rescue his own comment about Christine O’Donnell and riff on it.

Duffy, over at PencaderDays is a little bit pissy about the liberal media. He is mad that whenever there is a scandal involving a conservative Democrat, the media always says conservative first. Funny thing, those adjectives, they tend to appear before the modified noun. Oh, and when they are talking about corrupt conservative Democrats, the corrupt part of them is the conservative part, that’s the other reason it appears first…

Mike Protack has been drinking the Kool-Aid again. I must say that I have trouble with any plan involving my money that starts with “The idea, promoted by the Heritage Foundation…” I could get no further…

Into Good and Evil is struggling with the bloggers dilemma of “Why post about life, when I should be living it?” So we only see photos of his Jeep and mountain bike. Presumably, the bike is good and the Jeep is evil…

Over at JttR, Ryan is in favor of guns in the classroom. I must say that I am skeptical that more guns is the answer, but hey, I’m not taking any classes with Ryan. Although at UD, I was noted for shooting off at the mouth…

I think Kilroy has a much more palatable take on the VT shootings. May be the highest degree of agreement that I have had with Kilroy, since I have been reading his blog.

Have a good weekend all, and hug ’em if you got ’em.

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