Delaware Liberal

Supporting the Troops – Bush Style

A kos diarists writes:

So President Bush was in Grand Rapids giving one of his Iraq updates. One of his points was to demonstrate our changing tactics. In doing so he shows a map of Baghdad with the positions of our current deployments. This is his commentary that went along with the picture:

You can see from this map, there are now more than two dozen joint security stations located throughout Baghdad; more are planned. From these stations, Iraqi and American forces work together to clear out and then secure neighborhoods — all aimed at providing security for the people of Baghdad. If a heavy fight breaks out, our forces will step in, and Iraqi forces learn valuable skills from American troops….

The White House doesn’t have the video of this talk up, just audio, but its out there as Olbermann had it on Countdown and Paul Reichoff commented on how bad of an idea it was since it allows the bad guys to hone mortars in on the positions


Okay. Show of hands, who thinks Ryan S at Jokers the Right would be apoplectic right now if a Democrat pulled that shit?

Oh, and don’t forget – Castle supports the troops by supporting the President.

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