Delaware Liberal

Breaking: Delawareliberal to advertise on WDEL

Do you ever get the feeling that we are all just talking to each other?

I know a lot of top politicos read this site (hi Elizabeth, call me!). But when it comes to market penetration among more general consumers of political news we have a long way to go.

We are leaving people who rely on the News Journal for political reporting to fend for themselves in a virtual wasteland of self-congratulatory press releases and scrubbed down status quo cheer-leading. That is why Delawareliberal and some supporters have broken open their piggy banks to advertise over the public airwaves.

Our general goal is to bring more people to Delaware’s political blogs. Our more specific goal is get them to read and comment on Delawareliberal.

This is where you come in.

You can help us out in this marketing endeavour in two ways.

1) You can chip in money and allow us to buy a few more ads. (Ha! Okay I had to ask.)

2) You can help write our radio spots.

We want to leverage your creativity and air some ads that demonstrate our collective wit and marketing wisdom.

Give it some thought. We are shooting for mid May.

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