Delaware Liberal

Did anyone watch “Home Makeover” last night?

Personally I was wondering only because I couldn’t sit through all of it. If you didn’t catch it let me lay out for you who the needy family was:

An army veteran that was paralyzed from a roadside bomb. The guy was enlisted and was having a terrible time adjusting to his disability. His house was ill equipped for a wheel chair. Using his bathroom in his words is “literally a nightmare for me.” I’m sure it is buddy, I’m sure it is. On behalf of my country, I’m sorry this has happened to you. I’m sorry for your family that will have to take care of you for the rest of your life, long after Bush leaves office and the government forgets about your service in a fucked up war!

I had to turn it off b/c gee how fucking sad is our country that ABC has to fly into to the rescue of a disabled veteran instead of, gee, I don’t know, our government!!!

Only 20,000 more disabled and counting to go ABC, good luck fixing that problem, but you already have shown you have one quality important to help this thankless job, YOU CARE ABOUT THE FUCKING TROOPS!

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