Geeks Smell Something Fishy in OH

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 24, 2007

This is a little factoid that may seem too geeky to comprehend for many people, but here goes.

Every website on the Internet referes to one or more IP addresses. These addresses are unique (with a few unimportant exceptions) on the Internet. We can use these IP addreses to identify people on the Internet using a database of people that the IP addresses have been assigned to (usually ISPs or companies).

On election eve last year in 2004 the State of Ohio’s election website had a change of IP address. This in and of itself is not a surprise. The site was likely going to get bombarded with requests in the next few days, so you want to make sure the servers can handle it. However the IP address that it redirected to was owned by a company called Smartech. It is interesting to look at the other websites that Smartech hosts or hosted. Here is a representative sample:

So to sum up, the OH election website was transferred to the Republican party on election day. Does anyone else find this bizarre and/or evil?

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  1. More on the Controversy « kavips | April 24, 2007
  1. jason330 says:

    Evil but not surprising or bizarre.

  2. Kevin says:

    Yes yes yes – you have something. I knew the election was stolen last year. Let’s invalidate it nationwide and …. oh never mind – It is kind of fun watching the libs floundering and getting absolutely nowhere. I think you should nominate Hill. She’ll lock down the all important lezbo vote for sure!

  3. Hube says:

    Um, the Dems WON last November. Scratch one conspiracy theory.


  4. Rebecca says:

    lezbo vote

    My, my, aren’t we just delightful tonight.

  5. jason330 says:

    Everyone needs to click on Kavips and read the whole scary ass thing. If this is not a hoax, we are even more screwed than I thought.

  6. jason330 says:

    Kev –

    You have to help me out. My crazyass wingnutery interpretation skills are a bit rusty.

  7. liberalgeek says:

    I am doing some more research. This looks very legit. I’ll call the dept of elections in OH tomorrow and what’s what.

    I am not willing to go so far as them having unfettered access to the raw election data, but you never know.

    Out of curiosity, I checked FL and PA’s sites and neither was changed in anticipation of the election.

    The best thing I turned up was that has a reverse DNS entry (too difficult to explain in this context) of Somewhere at interlix is a geek with my sense of humor.

  8. liberalgeek says:

    On a local note, I checked out the list of websites on the move at netcraft, and sure enough, our buddies smartech were on the list of providers gaining sites in the past 24 hours. So one of the sites that they just added was Doesn’t mean much, but it is interesting to see a local company moving their site to Tennessee from delmarvaonline.

  9. Black Box Voting says:

    Didn’t anyone take seriously all of the “black box voting” and election tampering information that has been out since before ’04?

    I am not a liberal nor Democrat but I believed from election night ’04 that it was stolen by Bush-Cheney operatives after being well coordinated in advance.

    Even before the election many people who followed the technology involved ( knew the door had been left totally wide open for untraceable central tabulator hijinx especially in Ohio.

    Did anyone here see the HBO special “Hacking Democracy”? It lays it all out for you how easy it probably was to steal the Presidency.

    No matter how many info bites I sent out to people on this it was usually received with the ‘tinfoil hat too tight?’ kind of response. It would so sweet to see this finally taken seriously. It is the biggest scam of all time.

    I hope justice is done even if years too late. This kind of treason warrants the death penalty.

  10. liberalgeek says:

    I saw the movie, and as a geek, it scared the bejeezus out of me.

  11. liberalgeek says:

    That’s the scene…

  12. Black Box Voting says:

    The GOP’s cyber election hit squad
    by Steven Rosenfeld and Bob Fitrakis
    April 22, 2007