Delaware Liberal

The Rights answer to the truth…Docubuttals

You knew it was only a matter of time. Well that think tank (term used loosely) of Partisanship known as AEI (American Enterprise Institute) In case you never heard of them, they were the architects warprofiteers of the Iraq War.

Just look up Richard Perle (rose petal perlej), Wolfowitz (what’s a 60k raise between lovers), Dick Cheney, his lovely wife, Newty (tyler Nixon’s hero), John Yoo (Mr. step on a childs testicles isn’t torture) you’ll find them as members and all around swell guys 

…look closer at the above link and you will find funders (meaning they give fuck tons of money too the AEI) such as Exxon (no such thing as Global Warming), Coors (our President Drives Drunk So does yours), Microsoft (our President out sources because he can so does yours) and the Rockefeller Brothers

What a lovely bunch of Patriots they are, now where was I?

Oh, a Docubuttal right, right…

The new movie–we’ll call it a docubuttal–stars Steven Hayward, a scholar at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington, and takes it stylistic cues from Gore’s opus by showing viewers a data-laden PowerPoint lecture woven with scenes of Hayward strolling through a forest. (Gore sat in a canoe). Two hundred people attended the film’s world premiere this past Monday in San Francisco. Another screening took place yesterday in New York on the eve of the Tribeca Film Festival

Savvy environmentalists may also recognize Hayward’s AEI as the conservative think tank that received $1.6 million from ExxonMobil (nyse: XOM – news – people ) between 1998 and 2005 as part of a campaign by the energy giant to raise doubt about climate change. AEI grabbed attention last February when it offered scientists up to $10,000 for a policy critique of a United Nations global warming report.

Who was that guy from the U of D that worked for the state of Delaware that took up Exxon on this lucrative offer again? Gosh I am sure a few loyal Delawareans agreed with this astute U of D professor.  But, hey Delaware is immune to big business’ influence, we are just some little podunk state that happens to have about 300 companies incorporate a day in our lovely state…again I digress

I can only imagine Hannity, O’Rielly and Limbaugh getting ahold of this movie and promoting it too.  Global Warming is a farce, heck if Al Gore says so, that liberal puke, it must be. 

Global Warming is a farce people, the earth is just going through its natural cycle. I mean think about it, a million years ago when the Earth was around, woops I mean 5000 jyears ago when Noah and his 300 foot ark carried 300,000,000 different species, those Dinasours could fart as much CO2 as 20 tractor trailers.

 You dumb elitists you will believe anything the MSM tells you, mwooooohahahahahahahahaaaa

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