Delaware Liberal

Tracking Progress on Wind Support

I am trying to compile a list of the politicians that support wind power and those that support the burning of fossil fuels. The list appears at the bottom of the “Choose Wind” page I posted here. So far, I have 2 of the people that I have been top supporters of each. Jack Markell on the pro-wind side and Governor Minner on the pro-pollution side. If you have additions on either side that you would like to add, please post them here. I have a few others to add, but let’s make sure that we know who is in favor of the environment and who is bowing to special interests.

As I said in the original post, we will remember where the politicians cast their lot when it comes election time. Jason has already thrown his support behind a forward-thinking Republican on this issue. This is just the start.

Please post any known political stances in the comments here or on the Choose Wind page’s comments. I will update the page accordingly.

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