Archive for April, 2007

Castle, Wenk & Co. still enjoying sweet lobbyist perks

Filed in National by on April 3, 2007 8 Comments

My pre-election exposé highlighting the lobbyist paid trips and perks being sucked up by Castle and his staff like so much cocaine being snorted by a nubile super model in an Amsterdam hotel room seems to have had little effect. Additional reports that have worked their way through the system reported on by show […]

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Niger is Still a Lie

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 3, 2007 5 Comments

WaPo has the story of how the now-famous uranium from Niger story got rolling and how botched our analysis of it was.  People still ask whether or not this even matters with regard to where we are today.  I say yes.  If the reasons that this corrupt administration got into Iraq was trumped up, then […]

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R.I.P. Sen John McCain’s Presidential Ambitions

Filed in National by on April 2, 2007 16 Comments
R.I.P. Sen John McCain’s Presidential Ambitions

UPDATE: Mitt Romney is a dolt who thinks Bush was right to attack Iraq.  Stick a fork in him too. Tons and tons of bad news for Mike Castle’s pick to be the next President of the United States. First of all, the Sunday pundocracy threw him under a bus called “Fred Thompson”. Then the […]

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Thank God It’s Monday!

Filed in National by on April 2, 2007 5 Comments

How about a nice steaming cup of honesty from former Republicans to get the week started? Welcome to the American Monarchist Forum, a website for Americans who believe in monarchy. Our purpose is neither to form a political party nor (yet) a political movement, but rather to provide a forum for a wide range of […]

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Dave Burris to Leave Republican Party

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 1, 2007 14 Comments

Mark this date on your calendar. Dave Burris is resigning his position as Chair of the Sussex County Republicans. I have been speaking to Dave over the past few weeks and he had recently confided in me that while he wasn’t quite ready to call himself a Democrat, he certainly didn’t feel the warm Republican […]

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Anti Castle / Pro Accountability Ad

Filed in National by on April 1, 2007 2 Comments

[youtube=] Not exactly light hearted – so I apologize if you were expecting an April fool’s gag.

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