Archive for April, 2007

Beginning of the End of Delaware’s Corporate Hegemony?

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 17, 2007 4 Comments

The Economist has an article about how North Dakota is trying to woo corporations away from Delaware with their new shareholder-friendly incorporation laws. There are some interesting stats in the article, specifically the one that says that each household is subsidized $3000/year by the tax gain on incorporation services. If you think the NCC tax […]

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Right Wing trying to score politcal (Pro-Gun) points off national tragedy

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 17, 2007 83 Comments

I’m somewhat stunned and numb about the shootings in Virginia. And yet piercing the haze is the complete crap being peddled by wingnuts that more guns are the answer to this kind of tragedy. No sooner had I returned home last night than I saw the truly vile and horrendous Michelle Malkin making that case, […]

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Work For Romney, Shack up with Other Staffers

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 17, 2007 5 Comments

The NYT has a great little article about the spending patterns of the top candidates (and McCain) and what it tells us about them.  My favorite is about how Romney’s staffers end up sometimes tripled up in hotels as swanky as the Super 8 in Parsippany, NJ.  This is why I write about politics, not […]

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Proud American, Proud Taxpayer

Filed in National by on April 17, 2007 3 Comments

Matt Stoller at MYDD  put up a post about being proud to pay his taxes and wingnuts went bonkers… First actually a bunch of us chimed in with similar feelings of pride, though someone sent the post around wingnuttia, and like moths they came. I enjoyed the John Bircher ‘it’s a republic not a democracy’ […]

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and now a few words from your pResident

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 17, 2007 6 Comments

Presiden Bush yesterday was at it again trying to urge Democrats to pass a $100,000,000,000.00 spending bill.  One of the lessons of September the 11th is what happens overseas matters to the security of the United States of America, and we must not forget that lesson,” Bush told a gathering of military families at the […]

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Delaware’s Rich Folks Sure Love Them Some Mike Castle

Filed in National by on April 16, 2007 9 Comments

Quarterly FEC filings are in. Here is an interesting fact. Two thirds of Mike Castle’s contributions were itemized and came from only 73 well heeled donors. $61,800 contributed with an average contribution of $847.00 Here are some heavy contributors and some names you may know. Louis Capano $4,600 Howard Cosgrove $2,300 Harry Corless $2,300 Barbara […]

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This is why I don’t get to excited about the Dems taking over

Filed in National by on April 16, 2007 9 Comments

As Power Shifts, So Do The Dollars The Democrats are getting more PAC funds this election season Casino operators have switched their bets to the party newly in power on Capitol Hill. And defense contractors are not staying the course: They’ve flipped from giving 62% of their donations to Republicans before the election to 67% […]

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Shorter Krugman: Get your thumb out of your ass Senator Carper

Filed in National by on April 16, 2007 4 Comments

Normally, politicians face a difficult tradeoff between taking positions that satisfy their party’s base and appealing to the broader public…. But a funny thing has happened on the Democratic side: the party’s base seems to be more in touch with the mood of the country than many of the party’s leaders. And the result is […]

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DEGOP asks; Terry Strine, Mike Castle or Pricilla Rakestraw (not pictured) who is to blame?

Filed in National by on April 16, 2007 4 Comments
DEGOP asks; Terry Strine, Mike Castle or Pricilla Rakestraw (not pictured) who is to blame?

A commenter at FSP is looking for a silver lining.

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(McCain – Money) + Iraq War = Romney is it.

Filed in National by on April 15, 2007 11 Comments

As reported here a few weeks back, John McCain is done. That means barring a Fred Thompson announcement, Mitt Romney is going to be the Republican nominee. Romney could make trouble for Barack Obama (or Hillary Clinton, or John Edwards) in a couple of ways. 1) Romney has taken over the Bush money raising operations […]

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Short Wins!!! UPDATED w/ John Kowalko & Mike Castle tie in

Filed in National by on April 14, 2007 21 Comments

Democrat Byron Short beats Wayne Smith crony, James Bowers by 200 votes. Dems take another seat in Leg. Hall. Congratulation to Bryon and evryone who helped out with this effort. Two things looking at the results: DEMOCRATIC PARTY BRYON SHORT Votes: 2210 absentee: 64 total: 2274 – 52 . 6 % REPUBLICAN PARTY JAMES BOWERS […]

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Obama opposed the Iraq war from the start

Filed in National by on April 14, 2007 9 Comments

[youtube=] Don’t let any Green Party nut cases members tell you otherwise. I think we all know that it the Green Party is a subsidiary of the Republican National Commitee.

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LNG Plant Dealt Another Blow

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 13, 2007 1 Comment

The whiners across the river lost another round of “Whose River is it Anyway?”  The Supreme Special Master issues a ruling today that reaffirmed the ownership of the Delaware River (to the NJ shoreline) belongs to Delaware.  The Supreme Court still has to rule, but NJ and DE have been down this road enough times […]

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