Archive for April, 2007

Breaking News: Delaware Liberal Scoops the News Journal

Filed in National by on April 11, 2007 2 Comments

I don’t want to toot my own horn (my wife says I do it too often as it is) but I would just like to point out that we (me) here at Del lib had the scoop first on Widener U being a part of the student loan lending scandal. I would like to think […]

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and now a word from your president

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 11, 2007 2 Comments

“See, we love-we love freedom.  That’s what they didn’t understand.  They hate things; we love things.  They act out of hatred; we don’t seek revenge, we seek justice out of love.” Oklahoma City; 8/29/2002

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This is Bullshit

Filed in National by on April 11, 2007 4 Comments

Rep. Castle hosts statewide electronic tele-town hall meeting DELAWARE — U.S. Rep. Michael Castle will host a statewide electronic tele-town hall meeting with random constituents Wednesday evening, April 11, beginning at 6:30 p.m. Castle will give a short message then open the telephone lines to Delaware residents who are called and opt to participate, according […]

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Breaking: Faced With Veto Threat, Castle to Vote Against His Own Stem Cell Research Bill

Filed in National by on April 10, 2007 3 Comments

On March 23rd, after voting against much needed support and additional training for the troops in Iraq, and for the continuation of Bush’s mismanagement of the occupation, Congressman Castle signed on to a letter that explained his vote: President Bush has issued a veto threat as a result of the inclusion of non-emergency spending and […]

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Obama is 27 times more popular than Romney

Filed in National by on April 10, 2007 1 Comment

Obama packs the house.  More than 2,000 in Keene NH. Romney…not so much.  (75) Yes. It is early, but this type of thing tells me that Romney is only a tad bit more popular than back surgery.

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Poll Question UPDATED & Fortified w/ 85% more DRAMA!!

Filed in National by on April 10, 2007 15 Comments

Was Burris grandstanding? Yes or No Delaware blogger, Celia Cohen covers the downstate sturm und drang: It was not John Atkins who was under fire, however. It was David M. Burris, the impetuous Sussex County Republican chair who took over the post all of two months ago — long enough to write an open letter […]

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The Delaware Media’s Code of Silence on Iraq

Filed in National by on April 9, 2007 2 Comments

Hugh Bailey writing in the Connecticut Post about Joe Lieberman says: Just sit back and see what happens, he (Liberman) says — let people continue dying, let the country continue to spend billions of dollars each month. It’s a profoundly unserious proposition to ask that Americans, four years into what was promised to be a […]

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Looks like Widener is going to need it’s Law Students to work overtime…

Filed in National by on April 9, 2007 4 Comments

The CIT Group said today that it had put on leave three top executives of its student loan unit, Student Loan Xpress, after revelations last week that stock in that company had once been held by financial aid administrators at three universities and by an Education Department official who helps oversee the federal student loan […]

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Today I will only watch Fox News…

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 9, 2007 4 Comments

I read the below quote by the CEO of Fox News Roger Ailes. “Any candidate for high office from either party who believes he can blacklist any news organization is making a terrible mistake about journalists,”  “Pressure groups are forcing candidates to conclude that the best strategy for journalists is divide and conquer, to only […]

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Self-evaluating Prejudice

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 9, 2007 19 Comments

I was out at a restaurant a week ago and spotted a nice enough family out with their kids. It was final four season, so it isn’t all that unusual to see them wearing college sweatshirts. What got me was the school whose sweatshirts that they were wearing. It was Liberty University. This irked me. […]

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Ron Williams allows that Dana’s DelawareWatch blog exists

Filed in National by on April 8, 2007 6 Comments

AG looks into campaign Attorney General Beau Biden has agreed to investigate a complaint from online blogger Dana Garrett about last year’s election campaign of state Republican Rep. Nick Manolakos. Manolakos — who ran against Korn — was granted a paid medical leave by Red Clay School District but he rescinded it after announcing for […]

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That’s The Way God Planned It

Filed in National by on April 8, 2007 0 Comments


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The Mike Castle defense: “I’m a dumbass!”

Filed in National by on April 7, 2007 4 Comments
The Mike Castle defense:  “I’m a dumbass!”

Check out Congressman Barney Fife defending himself in this NJ story about the Republican program to corrupt the GSA and other governmental agencies by turning them into departments of the RNC. Neither Castle nor his staff knew his name was part of the presentation until he got a call Friday from The News Journal. He […]

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