Naderites and Green Party Partisans Rebuked

Filed in Uncategorized by on May 3, 2007

Dana’s knee-jerk “Dems are BAD” act is so tired and worn out I can barely comment on it anymore. This commenter at Dealware Watch lays it down.

If not for the Naderites and their “no difference between the parties” bullshit, we wouldn’t be having this discussion now. We’d be at peace and arguing about the Treasury surplus. Dana is spitting in the face of the Dem Congressmen and Senators who were elected and voted in good faith to end the war.

Dana’s point is based on his false premise that Dems are or should be a monolithic disciplined bloc. This is not and never was true about Democrats. Dem leaders have built and are trying to hold an anti-war coalition together. It isn’t easy. The progressive and anti-war wing of the coalition needs to be larger. Some of what Dana says about certain Dems is true. But the Naderites have done nothing to add to the anti-war coalition, preferring instead to stand by and take pusillanimous shots at the people who are doing the political work and heavy lifting.

If Congress succeeds in ending this war it will be in spite of the selfish sabotage of the Naderites.

Dana’s criticism is oh-so selective. Lord knows we haven’t heard one critical word from Dana about the one Delaware delegate who has voted for every pro-war bill. Instead of working to defeat Castle’s reliably pro-war vote, Dana mocked his strongest opponent as crazy. Dana had every opportunity to speak for a veto-proof anti-war majority in the House, but chose masturbatory idealism instead. Now that’s crazy.

Castle was seriously freaked out by his 57.2% margin. An even narrower win for Castle might have made him re-think his pro-war votes, or consider retirement. But Castle doesn’t need to now, because he knows he can count on Dana and the Naderites for their support. Dana, one of those pro-war votes in Congress belongs to you.

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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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    The WaPo account of DEM plans is inaccurate.
    NYT gives a better report.

  2. oedipa maas says:

    Given that the PA Greens were delighted to take repub dollars to fund their Senatorial candidate last round (in a effort from the repubs to split the Dem vote much like FL), it strikes me that the parties are now a three way tie — according to the Green standard. The PA Green acceptance of RNC funds to split the votes proves that they are as spectacularly craven, cynical, and greedy for power as an mainstream Dem or repub.

    The real problem with Greens (as articulated by another) is that they are largely the professional protest class — they will always take a position outside of the usual discourse and hold that ground. They are more interested in the protest than in actually accomplishing any of their goals. Dems are not the enemy, but they are not perfect. No party is and should not be held to some Mao-istic standard. But the business of government is the business of compromise and some incremental accomplishment and most Greens have not grown up enuf to get to this.

  3. jason330 says:

    But the business of government is the business of compromise and some incremental accomplishment…

    Well put. I have long felt that one of the many crimes perpetrated by Republicans against the American way is the poisoning of the well of good will that is required for principled compromise.

  4. Chris says:

    It has also been long felt that one of the crimes the Democrats would do in a heartbeat is sell out our freedom to the World. Wanting us to have to answer to the UN for everything. Allowing US solidiers to be tried in GERMANY for simply doing their job in Iraq. And I fear many of the Dems “in the interest of good will” will make that concession.

    Excuse me if I think America should LEAD the world and not FOLLOW the world!

  5. jason330 says:


    You say you don’t watch Fox News, so where did you get such a cartoonish view of Democrats?

  6. anon says:

    Excuse me if I think America should LEAD the world and not FOLLOW the world!

    Yes, the World was especially impressed with that pile of naked prisoners in Abu Ghraib.

  7. Chris says:

    “You say you don’t watch Fox News, so where did you get such a cartoonish view of Democrats?”

    I currently live in NJ. All I have to do is read my local paper to get that view. Truth is truth, unless Dan Rather is reporting it.

  8. Chris says:

    “Yes, the World was especially impressed with that pile of naked prisoners in Abu Ghraib.”

    Damn site better than what used to go on in that prison. Besides which, as I have indicated before, Abu Ghraib was a non-story, until the “media” decided they need to distract the world from the fact terrorists with WMDs they got in IRAQ were caught moving from Syria to Jordan. Out comes a 4 month old story, dusted off, repackaged, augmented, and then echoed by the greatest propoganda machine in history. The military had already discovered what was going on at Abu Ghraib, had stopped it and were prosecuting the soliders LONG before the media (which knew about it when it happened and were not interested at the time) decided to hang the election on it. And, as a bonus to them, further undermine the US. Which seems to be their favorite pasttime as well.