Radio Spot Moves Closer

Filed in Uncategorized by on May 3, 2007

As DelawareLiberal moves closer to advertising on some of the local media outlets, I would like to remind you that we are still looking for suggestions about the content and format of those ads. This is a chance to show off your creativity, humor and/or knowledge. Please post any ideas (even partially formed) to be kicked around and vetted both in the DelawareLiberal community and among our crack team of writers. I am a big fan of open-source everything, so this is an excellent example of how it can work to make this project really go.


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  1. fred says:

    Read Delaware Liberal. Remember, Delaware is a BLUE state.

  2. Chris says:

    Moving there soon. Planning on changing that!


  3. liberalgeek says:

    Good luck with that one, Chris. Like the rest of the country, we are getting bluer by the day.

  4. anon says:

    [music cue: Mission Imposible theme Cross fade to “The internets ARE TUBES!!” by Alaska Senator Ted Stevens]

    The Voice: Are you getting you political news from the Newspaper? What!? You are! You are a day and half behind AT LEAST! Time to step it up. I bet you don’t milk a cow in the morning to get milk for your Rice Crispies?

    Of course you don’t!

    If you care about politics in Delaware, you need to check out Delawareliberal(dot)wordpress(dot)com.

    Newspaper’s just tell you what the the corporate office wants you to hear. Delawareliberal has news that is not watered down and pasturized into vapor.

    Not only that, but on Delawareliberal – you can take part in shaping the news. The lively discussions and debates about today’s media and politics help turn up the heat on our elected officials.

  5. liberalgeek says:

    nice. I like it.

  6. anon says:

    Harry and Louise style ads with regular people suddenly discovering Castle’s pro-Bush voting record. Keep the kitchen-sink ads separate from the war ads.

    “I just found out Mike Castle voted for that Medicare Part D bill. Remember when my mom fell in that doughnut hole and couldn’t pay for her prescription?”

    “Are you kidding? I thought Mike Castle was such a moderate. Are you telling me he went along with Bush’s plan for that ripoff? ”

    “And now he says he is against more spending, but he voted for all Bush’s big budgets that caused the deficit!”

    “But he’s such a nice guy! ”

    “Well, my mom doesn’t think so any more.”

    “Do you remember how your company reclassified your job and you didn’t get overtime anymore? Mike Castle voted for that too. ”


  7. liberalgeek says:

    personally, I would prefer to keep it more general, so as to not run afoul of any election rules, but I suppose that we can look into it. Keep ’em coming…

  8. anon says:

    Oh… and of course in the ads the people mention they found out about Castle’s voting record on “delawareliberal.”

    “DelawareLiberal?” Is that one of those left-wing sites?

    “No, they’re Democrats, like me. There’s plenty of commentary, but they are usually talking about articles in the regular news, so it’s legit. “

  9. Chris says:

    LiberalGeek says “Good luck with that one, Chris. Like the rest of the country, we are getting bluer by the day.”

    You better keep your eyes on polls. Already a republican is leading the polls for President in blue states like Jersey and PA and swing states like Ohio and Florida. The longer Hilliary, Obama, and Blowhard Biden stay in it…the redder it will get!!! Yeah Baby!!!!

  10. can I still goof on this? or am I too late?

  11. jason330 says:

    I like the Castle bashing (obviously) but it might get into the gray area.

    How about…

    The sound of a man typing on a manual type writer over dreay plodding music.

    Speaking as he types someone says.

    Dear Editor –

    I must take exception to your charachterization of Mike Castle as a moderate… by voting to continue the war in Iraq and…

    Voiceover: You know when you are being lied to. You see what Bush and his cronies are doing to the country. But what can one person do about it, right? …….wrong.

    – Whoosh-szing transition sound effect to happy music. –

    Delawareliberal is a place where you can get informed and help get the attention of out of touch politcians like Mike Castle. At Dealware liberal…

    bullet points


  12. jason330 says:

    Go ahead mIke. I told you the marketing plan depends on your snark to give us the “I told you so” energy to get it done.

  13. donviti says:

    did someone hire chris to come here.

    I love the difference of opinion and the fact that he has added some spice to the place.

    he is so much more tolerable than pube and at least he can box a little.

    keep coming back chris and spread the word, we like your kind here

    we don’t like echo chambers as much as some people do

  14. Chris says:

    No fear. I am having fun here. I hate echo chambers too. In fact, of all the Delaware blogs I have looked at, conservative and liberal, this is the only one I am currently logging into.

    I haven’t had this much fun since college when I dressed head to toe in black to “celebrate” (aka mourn) the beginning of the Clinton years. It gave me a chance to remind people that Saddam called Clinton to congratulate him….now THAT was interesting….

    Back to the topic at hand. I love writing commercials, but I think anything I would come up with might not reflect the true spirit of the blog. And I wouldn’t want to offend…

  15. Hube says:

    I got it, I got it:

    Voice: “What’s more important, actual thought or following the party line?”

    Voice 2: “Um, the party line?”

    Voice: “CORRECT! Check out Delaware Liberal online — where the party line supplants actual thought day after day!”

    (Give URL after that.)

  16. liberalgeek says:

    Nice start Hube. Sounds more like an ad for you…

  17. Disbelief says:

    I keep getting caught on the title word “Liberal”. When I first came here, I expected a bunch of people like Hube only on the other side. The term “Liberal” is a bit misleading as far as the true character of this blog.

    I know its tough to change a title, but its easier now than later and could make PR stuff easier. How about Delaware Liberator?

  18. jason330 says:

    I’m an unapologetic Bobby Kennedy, Howard Dean liberal.

    There is a broad liberal consensus in the country when it comes to defense, taxation and social policy. What makes you say we don’t seem liberal?

    Is it that we are not dirty hippies?

  19. Disbelief says:

    Exactly. You are not dirty hippies vs. the Hube military-industrial complex. Most positions espoused by the authors of the posts here seem to fit with the positions held by the main stream majority, i.e., getting the fuck out of Iraq, being offended by DE politician misbehaviors, a woman’s right to choose, homosexuality, etc. I’ve seen some far left posts, but nothing that would demand the moniker “Liberal”.

    My point is that “Liberal” in the title mislead (past tense) me, and perhaps others, that the board here was just a bunch of dirty, communist, homosexual, baby-killing hippies. According to what I’ve read, this is not the case. And, finally, I wonder whether others avoid this board simply because of the title “Liberal”.

    You don’t have to change it; I was just making an obsevation of my perception for the purpose of increasing publicity.

  20. jason330 says:

    (Hmmm…It is funny that in all this time blogging, this is the first time this has come up.)

    Anyhoo…I can say that the title of the blog was intended to, in some small way, help reclaim the term “liberal” from conservatives who have mislead you (and the rest of the country) into thinking liberal is a bad word.

    The fact is the United States is a “liberal” country dedicated to the notion that people should basically be left alone and the government has a legitimate roll in providing a social safety net for people who are too old (or young, or infirmed, or marginalized) to thrive under capitalism.

    Say it with me – “I’m a liberal.”

    Doesn’t that feel good?

  21. jason330 says:

    That the name might create an impediment to marketing and spreading the reach of the blog – maybe we can use that to our advatage.

    Riff off the idea that the radio listener might be surprised to know that they are “liberal”

  22. anon says:

    In the form of a public service announcement.

    Hushed sober voice: Did you know that 6 our of 10 Americans are liberals.

    Liberalism can strike at any time and any place without warning.

    Check yourself for these signs of liberalism.

    Do you think American workers should be treated fairly?

    Do you think people should be left alone to worship God in thier own way, or EVEN not believe in God if they don’t want to?

    Do you agree that elections should be clean and fair?

    Do you want the United States to get out of Iraq? AND think President Bush is doing a horrible job?

    If you answered yes to any of these questions, you might be a liberal.

    If you see signs of liberalism in yourself or your family, there is hope.

    Get to the blog Dealwareliberal.

  23. Chris says:

    “The fact is the United States is a “liberal” country dedicated to the notion that people should basically be left alone and the government”

    Up to that part you are defining a conservative!

    “…has a legitimate roll in providing a social safety net for people who are too old (or young, or infirmed, or marginalized) to thrive under capitalism.”

    Seems noble…but liberals never stop at just those groups. More “groups” are invented everyday, mostly in attempt to increase power base. And I don’t buy the first notion that “people should basically be left alone”. It seems most legislation from liberals wants to tell me how to act, what to think, and what to pay (i.e. everything I make to them). And
    I beg to differ on the US being a liberal country. I think the last two presidential elections have shown it is split right down the middle. I also believe that if many so-called liberals think about it, they will realize that they a more conservative than they think.

    You know the saying “I used to be very liberally-minded….then I grew up.”

    “Say it with me – “I’m a liberal.””

    Oh God…There went my breakfast….

  24. Disbelief says:

    I vote for #22. That is dead on. Get a release from anon to use that as the radio ad. You can get it into a 15 second spot.

    Anon, seriously, I like that one. And it does away with my concern that the word “liberal” may be viewed in a bad light by those of us who are not rabid warmongers, yet still leary of rampant social engineering sometimes associated with the word “liberal”.

  25. Chris says:

    How am I ever going to get work done with stuff like this floating around….

    “Did you know that 6 our of 10 Americans are liberals.”

    See Above

    “Liberalism can strike at any time and any place without warning.”

    Unfortunately, I agree with you on that.

    “Do you think American workers should be treated fairly?”

    Yes. I think the unions should stop taking half of their pay while the union leaders take expensive trips all claiming that it is for their own good, and doing nothing more than financing the democratic machine.

    “Do you think people should be left alone to worship God in thier own way, or EVEN not believe in God if they don’t want to?”

    Yes. If they want to pray in school or mention God at graduation they should be able to do so. (Damn…their goes my chances at being liberal)

    Do you agree that elections should be clean and fair?

    Yes. And towns in Iowa where there are more democrats registered to vote than the entire population of the town (including kids) should be the first looked at. Then there is Chicago, Philadelphia, New Orleans, Seattle….you mean you Dems are going to finally stop cheating?

    Do you want the United States to get out of Iraq? AND think President Bush is doing a horrible job?

    Um HELL NO…and “could be better” but not “horrible”

    “If you answered yes to any of these questions, you might be a liberal.”

    Not a chance!

    “If you see signs of liberalism in yourself or your family, there is hope.”


    “Get to the blog Dealwareliberal.”
    I am here….

  26. Bookem says:

    I like #22 also. . . with a few additions

    Do you believe government should be responsible for you and your children from cradle to grave?

    Do you believe Ronald Reagan is the devil because he brought about the demise of the Soviet Union?

    Do you believe the wealthy should share their income with those less fortunate. . .even though they create jobs, go to work, pay most of the tax in the country,_________________(fill in the blank)

    Finally, more people will take note of the site if you change the name to Delaware Communist/Commie/Pinko etc.

    Anyway good luck and I hope this helps.

  27. jason330 says:


    I agree. I like the PSA style hook. It moves to the second round.

    Anon – if you are having second thoughts, want some kind of recognition let me know.

  28. kavips says:

    liked 22

    This was inspired after reading Nancy’s Delmarva spread yesterday. She deserves 99% of the credit.

    Delmarva wants you to pay more.

    With your money in their pockets,

    Legislators are running scared.

    Explore the facts.

    Join the one group fighting back.

    Be part of Delaware’s future.

    You voted: now make them work for you

    Google Delawareliberal for more information:


    Delaware’s clearing house for “what’s new.”