Mitt Romney confuses mormon sci-fi with reality
Mormons love them some sci-fi. Mitt loves it so much he lets it crowd out reality. Many of you know about this Romney-ism:
“It seems that Europe leads Americans in this way of thinking,” Romney told the crowd of more than 5,000. “In France, for instance, I’m told that marriage is now frequently contracted in seven-year terms where either party may move on when their term is up. How shallow and how different from the Europe of the past.”
Time magazine is reporting that the whole seven-year-contract with option to renew is, in fact, a plot point in a novel by fellow Mormon Orson Scott Card. The seven-year marriage contract is from a book called “The Memory of Earth,” and it is a fictionalization of the Book of Mormon set in outer space.
Related: When asked what his favorite book is Romney said, “Battlefield Earth”
“In Iraq, I’m told, there are WMDs…”
“In Syria, I’m told, they frequently receive Iraqi WMDs…”
“In Iran, I’m told, moderates will greet US troops with flowers…”
“In the US, I’m told, tax cuts pay for themselves…”
So? Jason believes BushCo knew in advance of 9/11 and did nothing about it.
Two peas in a pod, basically.
You’ve no reason to criticize ANYONE’S loonyness, Jason.
I’d feel kind of in the wilderness if I thought Bush hadn’t heard about Bin Laden’s determination to attack us.
“In Iraq, I’m told, there are WMDs…”
Of course there weren’t. Just ask the 150,000 dead Kurds.
“In Syria, I’m told, they frequently receive Iraqi WMDs…”
Not true! They haven’t gotten any from Iraq since the two months we spent WARNING Iraq we were coming.
“In Iran, I’m told, moderates will greet US troops with flowers…”
Are you kidding? They hate Americans! That’s why they are wearing American jeans (probably made in China), and listening to Britney Spears on iTunes, while trading in bootlegged episodes of the Simpsons. If that is Anti-American hatred, I don’t know what is.
“In the US, I’m told, tax cuts pay for themselves…”
Of course not. I mean they did when Kennedy did it, and when Reagan did it, and the STUPID Bush managed to keep us out of a Carter like recession with them….but OTHER THAN those and countless other examples….they don’t.
Chris should be in a museum standing over a brass plate that reads: “The last Bush supporter”
The Memory of Earth isa fictionalization of the Book of Mormon set in outer space.
Isn’t the book of mormon iteself a work of fiction?
“Chris should be in a museum standing over a brass plate that reads: “The last Bush supporter”
Please feel free to keep believing that. You see, there are actually MANY people in this world that are not short-sighted by blind liberal ideals which cannot function in the “Real World”. I would much rather side with Bush, who is willing to take on the fight, than with the Honorable Senator Harry Reid who wants to proudly proclaim “America is defeated!”. If that is who you side with…well that is your choice…but I feel awfully sorry for you.
when Reagan did it
Yes… truly America owes Ronald Reagan a debt it can never repay.
“Yes… truly America owes Ronald Reagan a debt it can never repay.”
While your sarcasm is noted…the statement is nevertheless true. While we are certainly concerned with terrorism these days, I don’t recall the last time I was truely concerned about total nuclear annihilation at the hands of the Soviet Union. I also believe the double digit inflation and unemployment under Carter’s able hands were expertly removed under Reagan’s watch. Besides, it was John Kennedy who first realized that cutting taxes resulted in greater revenue. Kennedy is the true founder of “Reagnomics”. I thought you guys like JFK? Though his views by today’s standards are definitely right wing. Lower taxes, standing up in times of crisis, using the military to affect political change. Come to think of it, he didn’t really make a good Democrat did he?
I also believe the double digit inflation and unemployment under Carter’s able hands were expertly removed under Reagan’s watch.
Your faith is touching.
How old were you when Reagan was elected?
I’d feel kind of in the wilderness if I thought Bush hadn’t heard about Bin Laden’s determination to attack us.
“Determination” does not equate to precise knowledge NOR allowance with said knowledge.
If you persist in this looney-tune bullshit then you have to admit that maybe Jerry Falwell was correct when he theorized that Bill Clinton had connections to drug runners and had Vince Foster murdered.
And another thing: You guys just can’t decide whether Bush is a complete moron, or he is a master manipulator. IOW, just imagine the # of folks that’d have to be kept PRECISELY in line and 100% quiet to keep the “knowledge” of the upcoming 9/11 attack a “state secret.” What a laugh! The gov. can’t keep the SMALLEST crap from being leaked, but the biggest attack on the US in history is somehow being “bottled up.” Right.
Given that kind of power, it’s further amazing then, that Bush didn’t have the CIA or someone else just plant friggin’ WMDs in Iraq and then there would be little to no controversy over our attack on that country.
Welcome to loony left, people.
Without getting into a deep discussion of sematics I will say that Bush “knew” Bin Laden was going to attack the United States.
I don’t think he was “aware” of the date and time or really even “cognizant” (showed knowledge or understanding or realization or perception) of the implications of the knowledge.
I guess that puts me in the “Bush is a complete moron” camp.
If Bush tried to take down the twin towers we’d have four more of them right now.
“Without getting into a deep discussion of sematics I will say that Bush “knew” Bin Laden was going to attack the United States.”
By that logic Clinton knew as well. In fact, did not the 9-11 report indicate the original date set for the attack as in August 2000? What steps was he taking to prevent the tragedy. He didn’t even lift a finger when the Trade Center was bombed the first time?
I guess it comes down to the proverbial “Who knew it? How much did they know? and When did they know it?” In hind site it is easy to see all the signs leading up to the attack. But given the amount on Intel that came in on a regular basis, there was no way of knowing really what to expect. The important thing is that, when it happened THIS TIME, we actually had someone in charge of the country with the guts to take the fight back to the terrorists and not just shrug it off as Clinton did.
“Your faith is touching.”
Faith in facts is really not that hard.
“How old were you when Reagan was elected?”
Ten. Were you even born? Hey, I was 6 when Carter was elected. I knew, even at 6, what a mess we were in for. I guess that makes 6 year-old liberals smarter than full-grown liberals….not surprising.
“I guess that makes 6 year-old liberals smarter than full-grown liberals….not surprising.”
YIKES! I just accidentally referred to myself as a liberal. There comes lunch back again…
Let me try that again…
“I guess that makes 6 year-old CONSERVATIVES smarter than full-grown liberals….not surprising.”
By that logic Clinton knew as well.
Simply not true. Clinton knew Bin Laden was a threat and tried to warn Bush about AQ. It was a warning Bush promptly ignored. Just as he ignored the PDB 4 months later.
There you go again…
The late 70’s inflation and unemployment wasn’t contained until the middle of the decade. It was killed by central bankers (Volcker) who raising interest rates to recessionary levels to squeeze out inflation, driving down wages and liquidating any personal wealth held by the working and middle classes. Employment didn’t pick up until the mid-80s and when it did it was dominated by parasitic financial activities like LBOs and corporate buyout raids. For regular people though, it was McJobs.
But of course, Chris was lucky enough to get his career off the ground during the Clinton boom, so none of this really affected him.
“..It was killed by central bankers (Volcker) who raising interest rates to recessionary levels to squeeze out inflation, driving down wages and liquidating any personal wealth held by the working and middle classes….it was dominated by parasitic financial activities like LBOs and corporate buyout raids. For regular people though, it was McJobs.”
Wow! Is that ever dripping with Socialistic drabble.
The facts still remain. Kennedy cut tax rates, tax receipts went up. Reagan cut tax rate, tax receipts went up. Bush cut tax rates, and, despite a recession caused by the tech bubble burst and the economic fallout from 9-11, tax receipts went up. This lead to unemployment (which had risen because of the tech bubble bursting) to go back down.
It is not a difficult concept to understand. If the government takes less of the money each time a transaction is made, people are more likely to make future transactions with what is less. The government gets its cut from that too, but the people benefit from the extra activity. This stimulates activity across the board. More money is being passed around and the government ends up with more of it in the end, but everybody has benefited greatly in the process. The higher the tax rate, the more likely people are to sock away the money and do nothing with it. That leads to inevitable unemployment and economic depression.
I guess this point of view is not valid because it does not take an elitist academic to comprehend it? God fordid the common citizen actually understand economics.
“But of course, Chris was lucky enough to get his career off the ground during the Clinton boom, so none of this really affected him.”
The Boom in the 90’s was not anything Clinton did. It happened to spite him. It was the technology bubble that drove the 90’s. Much of the horrible policies enacted by Clinton went virtually unnoticed because the economy was charging full ahead regardless of what he did. Marx himself could not of killed that deal. However, when the bubble burst in 2000, then we started to see the real effects of his bad policies. So my career got off the ground during the tech bubble boom, not the Clinton boom.
I never knew Orson Scott Card was a Mormon; now I’ll have to dig my copy of Ender’s Game out of the basement and look for Golden Tablet references.