Delaware Liberal

Breaking News! New War on Terror Plan to be Unveiled

I realize Jason may use the Breaking News thing a little too often, but this is Breaking news Donviti Style!

 I just read that George Bush and the Neo Cons will be implementing a new plan that will rid the planet, that’s right, the entire planet of TERRORISTS! He is going to take away their air!  That’s right, take away their air.   I for one think this is a brilliant plan.

Think about it for a second.  Not only will you win the war on terror by killing all the terrorists, but shit, you knock out the war on drugs, war on education, war on Aids, War on Domestic Violence, War on Poverty, War on the Middle Class, War on the Immigration, War on Abortion and countless other wars going on in the United States.  Hell, it’s a no brainer people!

Already Bush has taken so many things from the terrorists and those bastards keep killing people.  This is the next logical step as they see it.  Air isn’t free!  Freedom is free GOD DAMNIT! And they want to destroy our freedom, so we in turn will destroy their air!  I am on board with this and think it will work!

No word on how this will be done without killing the entire planet and everything that inhabits it, but apparenlty that is a drawback they are looking past.  The terrorists target innocent civilians.  So we as Americans fighting to free those innocent people, may have to kill a few innocents ourselves, to kill the terrorists and in turn free the ones that weren’t killed by us….or them.

God speed everyone I hope this works!

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