I’m sure this is Bill Clinton’s fault

Filed in National by on May 8, 2007

Wingnuts, even our local wingnuts, have argued that the United States needs to “eliminate terrorist threats abroad, so we do not have to face them here at home.”

Mike Castle has delivered a form of that bullshit, and his buddy John Boehner said terrorists would blow up Loockerman street in Dover if we leave Iraq. Now we get what they really mean when they say that:

Last night on Hannity and Colmes, right-wing pundit Dick Morris also claimed that we need to keep U.S. troops in Iraq so that terrorists don’t come to the United States. But he argued that we need to put “Americans right within their [terrorists’] arms’ reach” so that they have the opportunity to “kill Americans” there. He added that therefore, “they don’t have to come to Wall Street to kill Americans. They don’t have to knock down the Trade Center. They can do it around the corner, and convenience is a big factor when you’re a terrorist.”

Watch it at Think Progress.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (11)

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  1. Chris says:

    Stupid comment. A total mischaracterization of the situation.

    But I do take issue with this part

    “…right-wing pundit Dick Morris..”

    Lets keep in mind this little tidbit from his Wiki Bio
    “Morris is best known for managing Bill Clinton’s successful 1996 bid for re-election to the office of President of the United States.”

    He may have changed his stripes for marketing purposes but I would hardly consider him a right-wing pundit.

  2. donviti says:

    rumor has it Bush is going to try and stamp out air. Just think about it, if the terrorists can’t breath, then they can’t kill us.

    I for one hope he succeeds!

    In fact maybe I should make that a new post!

  3. jason330 says:

    See? I knew it was Clinton. How I hate being right all of the time.

  4. anon says:

    Has anyone notices how adept Chris is at changing the subject? I guess it is a skill you have to pick up if you want to go around thinking that Georeg Bush is a hero.

  5. Chris says:

    Changing what subject? It is a stupid comment. Enough said. But don’t think that is representative of why most of us believe we should be over there. If it is for anyone’s convenience it is for our own. The majority of the terrorists, THANKFULLY, are still in the Middle East. Yes, Iraq has served as a magnet drawing them in. But our trips are there, with their weapons (though they could always use more) ready to send this wonderfully minded terrorist hurtling into their 72 virgins. It has kepy many of the terrorist (especially the DEAD ones) from reigning terror over here. Is it 100% foolproof? No, we will be hit again at some point. But you cannot win a war entirely on defense. That is why we are there.

  6. anon says:

    Iraq has served as a magnet

    But it’s an even better incubator.

  7. jason330 says:

    Other than the fact that Morris forgot to mention that we can kill a few of them while they are killing us, I honestly don’t see any difference between what you are saying and what Dick Morris said.

    We are now in Iraq creating terrorists order to kill them so they don’t kill us.

    Do I have that right?

  8. kavips says:

    We need the troops in Baghdad long enough for the Iraqi parliament to vote on the oil law, comprised by Cheney, approved by the Big 4 oil companies, and as of yet, not seen by the Iraqi Congress. When parts of this bill are made public, mass outrage is sure to occur. That is the underlaying reason the Republicans are supporting the surge which on the surface, makes no sense at all…….

  9. Chris says:

    “We are now in Iraq creating terrorists order to kill them so they don’t kill us.

    Do I have that right?”

    Your view is predicated on the idea that we are creating more terrorists than we are killing. It is funny. Liberals are so quick to point out that Iraqi people and terrorists are not the same, but before they even expend that breath, they are telling us that all these Iraqis are becoming terrorists. And in still the same breath (you guys are windbags after all) you are telling us how the Iraqis are busy fighting themselves. So I guess, according to you Iraqis are dying, becoming terrorists, blowing up US soldiers and killing each other. Very industrious people.

    Most Iraqis, outside of the Sunni triangle, are busy building a post-Saddam life…and HAPPY ABOUT IT. In the Sunni triangle, unfortunately they are engaged in secterian violence brought about by hardliners, either left over from Saddams regime or Shias who are determined to punish those people associated with Saddams regime. Still the majority of terrorist acts being carried out specifically against US Soliders is being done by outside terrorists, most of whom were already sworn to kill us whether in Iraq or somewhere else.

    So no, you don’t have it right.

  10. Chris says:

    “We need the troops in Baghdad long enough for the Iraqi parliament to vote on the oil law, comprised by Cheney, approved by the Big 4 oil companies, and as of yet, not seen by the Iraqi Congress. When parts of this bill are made public, mass outrage is sure to occur. That is the underlaying reason the Republicans are supporting the surge which on the surface, makes no sense at all…….”

    Uh…yeah. I am so tired of the “Blood for Oil” argument. You guys are a broken record. If big oil stopped producing oil tomorrow, cut gas prices to $.06/gallon and gave all their profits to offset global warming, you would still see a conspiracy in that. Face it. You guys simply hate successful industry and have had it drilled into your heads by the DNC that the BIG OIL Boogieman is out to conqueor the WORLD!!!!

    Now, I have to get back to counting all the billions I am making off of that oil I am siphoning from Iraq!!!!

  11. Jason says:
