This is a big win!!!

Filed in National by on May 8, 2007

PSC votes to negotiate with all three electricity bidders

DOVER — The Public Service Commission today voted unanimously to negotiate with all three bidders to build an offshore wind farm and back it up with electricity provided by Connectiv Energy or NRG.

The devil is in the details ofcourse, but this is a huge step toward clean renwable energy.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (6)

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  1. Dana Garrett says:

    You’re right, of course. It is a win for wind power. I thought wind would get rejected altogether. Still, I was hoping for all wind and I can’t think of one good reason why DE shouldn’t have gone that route.

  2. jason330 says:

    Well at least we agree that it is a win. I also agree that all wind was the best choice – but I’m pleased with this step in the right direction.

  3. Disbief says:

    I’m saying it one more time, and that’s it. A sporadic, unreliable, minimal source of power at huge investment is a ludicrous waste of tax money. Yes, its very politically correct and popular, but so was the Neocon philosophy at one time. No, I’m not against the environment, baby seals, or the gullibility of donviti’s sisters. I’m just calling it as it is.

  4. jason330 says:

    Was the Apollo program a ludicrous waste of tax money? Some people think so.

    I think you have to accept that this project has value beyond the “cost per KWH” calculations that Delmarva wants to point everyone toward.

    As the PSC staff report said – this is about Delaware taking controll of its own energy future.

  5. The wind that blows across your lawn perhaps, Dis, but over water, the wind is reliably strong enough 90% of the time for what we need.
    This technology is used across the world, several eastern seaboard states are ready, really ready to build offshore windfarms too.

    It is in our best interest to claim the windfarming capacity lying outside of Delaware waters – within the federal waters – before other states set up shop.

  6. john kowalko says:

    I am very pleased that the process is still moving forward and that’s as it should be. Thanks to all for your support.
    John Kowalko