Those Spics Can’t Take a Joke

Filed in National by on May 9, 2007

Ryan does not get all the fuss being made over the “South of the Border Party”

Ryan says, “It never fails that humor is the first victim in a censorship-laden society.”


What’s the big deal – right?

So some college greeks dressed like laborers with the words “SPIC N’ SPAN Gardeners” written across the back. I mean jeez, lighten up everybody. It is getting to the point where you can’t even make fun of wetbacks Mexicans anymore. What next? No poking fun at cripples?

Responding to this in the NJ: “You don’t see people within the Latino community or the black community throwing white-people parties.

Ryan says:

And even if there were “white people parties” being thrown, would you hear about it? Probably not, because minorities on this campus shut themselves out from the larger community.

Gosh. I can’t imagine why they would not want to hang around with you guys calling them spics. Sounds like fun to me. I just don’t get those minorities I guess.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (19)

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  1. dh says:

    Please don’t repeat the racial epiphet. Words like that should not be used under any circumstances, including the context of this article.

  2. anon says:

    “You don’t see people within the Latino community or the black community throwing white-people parties.”

    That would be freaking hilarious.

  3. donviti says:

    people don’t kill people Jason, words kill people! I’m offended!

  4. jason330 says:

    Middle-aged white people parties. Everyone falls alseep in front of the TV at 10:30.

  5. anon says:

    It never fails that censorship is the first victim in a humor-laden society.

  6. G Rex says:

    Imagine a “honky party” at the Omega Psi Phi house: Rule 1, you have to call each other “dude” all night.

  7. Hube says:

    Ryan is correct in his post. And Jason, besides being the loony-tune conspiracy nut that he is, is being his hypocritical bitch self AGAIN.

    Free speech only matters to you guys when it’s speech you agree with. Free speech does NOT = freedom from hurt feelings. You mock the serious issue Ryan raises and, of course, imply that the whole thing was “OK” with him or anyone else who thinks, for example, the News Journal actually covering this was worth it. IOW, he’s a closet racist.

    Don’t you dopes wonder why the Left isn’t absolutely hammering the Right in the US after all the fucking up GW has done?? You’re living examples why!!

  8. liberalgeek says:

    Actually, I think that it is important to use the same words that the other people used. Sometimes it seems so much less egregious when you say “the N word” rather than the actual word.

    I think that this story is an example of how it is becoming OK in this country to be racist if the victim of your racism is an “illegal.” I have no problem with humor, but it is a fact that this country is now condoning racism against hispanics.

    I have to grudgingly admit that I am more in alignment with George Bush on this than say Sam Brownback. I think that we need to allow more immigrants into this country, legally. If that means amnesty, fine. It is a moral question for me.

    People say “what kind of message does that send to foreigners trying to come into this country legally?” I suspect that they won’t care as long as we let them in too. At least the ones following the law didn’t have to brave deserts, immigration raids, slave wages and the sneers of xenophobes.

  9. Racist? Perhaps. Something to get in a tizzy about? Hardly. The University should stay out of the debate and let the obnoxious folk from both parties eviscerate each other.

  10. jason330 says:

    Free speech only matters to you guys when it’s speech you agree with.


    I’m all for free speech AND I’m also for a bunch of (honor student) twerps getting their asses handed to them when they reveal themselves to be racists.

    Ryan is saying that the twerps should have the right to reveal themselves to be racists (true) but should not have to deal with the downstream consequences of being racists in a pluralistic society. (false)

  11. jason330 says:

    Mike –

    Wouldn’t it be hilarious if our buddy Italo showed up in one of those pictures?

  12. jason330 says:

    As an aside and to keep this about the fact that Ryan is clueless – the invloved parties seem to be working things out.

  13. steamboat willy says:

    I went to a “White Trash” theme party once. The mullet wigs were hillarios.

  14. Anon says:

    Just because you fit right in didn’t make it a “theme” party willy.

  15. Hube says:

    Jase: Ryan said no such thing if you read his post. He said the whole thing really should have been the business of those at the party. It wasn’t UD or frat sponsored, etc. If you read his last point, that’s the overall message.

    I, personally, have no problem with people who were there revealing what happened there. The academic left LOVES this stuff b/c to them it isn’t just drunken kids acting like buffoons — it’s part of a “larger racist society” and this sort of stuff must be stomped out at any cost.

    You really think the kids were racist? You actually can’t chalk it up to irreverent humor? OK, so then the Wayans brothers are racists for making “White Chicks.”

  16. oedipa maas says:

    College campuses seem to be rife with this kind of racist BS:

    Santa Clara Univ “South of the Border Party”

    MLK Day “ghetto party” at Tarlton Univ

    MLK Day “ghetto party” by UCONN Law students

    And there’s more — MLK “ghetto day” party at Clemson with sick pictures, students at Texas A&M running around in blackface — what is it about dressing up as the worst stereotypes of black and brown people that is so damn funny?

    And it is crazy for people to defend this mess with “freedom of expression”. No one stopped these idiots from their expression. “Freedom of expression” does not inoculate you from the freedom of expression of civilized people heaping all of the scorn and ridicule this stupidity deserves.

  17. kavips says:

    I’m sure when you were growing up, if most of you were more serious than I was. But still, sometimes one gets the urge to do something a little different. And among your peers, you get rated on how outlandish your peccadillo is.

    What I find ironic, is that within the blogosphere morality, that it is ok shoot illegals in the name of Homeland Security, and not ok to dress up like them.

    Nowhere did I here of any malice intended by the party. And intent is the operative word here.

    Just because you all dress up as girls, does that make you misogynists?

    (who just said that? How dare they!)

  18. Ryan Mc. says:

    How come you didn’t blast me? I took the same stance as Ryan S. Besides I need the traffic controversy creates 🙁

  19. jason330 says:

    Sorry Ryan. My bad. I’ll be sure to heap scorn on you next time.