Delaware Liberal Running ANTI-CASTLE ads

I’m not so narcissistic to think that my banging the drum about Castle’s constant votes in favor of Bush’s open ended war is getting attention – but I have to say that news like this gives me the feeling that the cavalry is finally arriving.

The more people pointing out Castle’s voting record and highlight his lies and obfuscations on Iraq – the merrier.

“Now he’s facing political pressure because of his vote, including cable-TV ads that will begin airing today in Philadelphia and Delaware. The ads from will feature retired Army Maj. Gens. John Batiste and Paul Eaton, former commanders in Iraq.

“We’re hoping that running an ad in his district will help educate him that commanders on the ground don’t always support the president,” said Jon Soltz, Iraq War veteran and chairman of”

The US military is a primary victim of the Castle/Bush approach to endless war, but recently the Ads have been a devastating counter-punch.

Here is a collection of past ads that might give you an idea of what Castle is in store for.

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