Delaware Liberal

Wenky’s hectic day

The NJ has run its second story today highlighting Castle’s willingness to put his loyalty to Bush over loyalty to the country, the troops and the people who elected him. That means Wenky has had her hands full trying to spin this muther.

WASHINGTON — A military group seeking a new course in Iraq began targeting the president and a select group of lawmakers, including Delaware Rep. Mike Castle, today with television advertisements calling on them to “protect America, not George Bush.”

I’m eager to see how Wenky and Co. try to apply lipstick to this pig.

(Castle and other “moderate” Republicans) were targeted because they were on the record as either against President Bush’s troop surge or his policies in Iraq, yet all but one voted against the $124 billion war-spending bill that would have set a timeline for bringing troops home, according to Jon Soltz, Iraq War veteran and chairman of Emerson voted “present.”

“They voted with the president, against a changed strategy in Iraq,” he said in a teleconference with reporters.

In addition to the News Journal, the voteVets story is being picked up all over the blogosphere – so Castle is going to be getting some unwelcome national attention from this.

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