UPDATE: Is Delaware Housing Really not affordable?

Filed in Uncategorized by on May 10, 2007

UPDATE IV: Apparently throwing out the Delawareliberal website has some pull in this state!  Wooohoooo.  I got a call back from Jeanine Kliemo herself. 

To her knowledge their were NO exclusions.  The data is from the county board of Realtors. 

She is quoted with saying, “I have no reason to believe that there was any exclusions, but it is their data”

Thanks Mrs. Kliemo! 

Their you have it people, it appears all housing prices were used for this study, which will certainly skew the numbers and make it look like housing is not affordable for those lower-income families seeking residence in Delaware.  You have to love statistics.  Why on earth they would roll out this huge study whining about home prices yet include homes with values in the multi-million dollar range is beyond me and disingenuous. 

This article is bullshit.  The study is using misleading numbers to boot.  I have a liberal heart that bleeds for a lot of people, but I draw the line here…
Affordable housing sought
Report shows many Delawareans unable to pay for a place to

The march was timed with the release of a report by the Delaware Housing Coalition that found only 36 percent of Delawareans earn the $60,000 required to afford the state’s typical home price of $228,000.

I have a question about this study they did:

 1. did they exclude the top 1% homes that no one in God’s green earth could afford?  For Example, Beach homes on the water, Greenville, WestOver Hills.  (updated information indicates it was not)

2. Did they forget that we have a City by the Name of Wilmington?

3. They didn’t say they want safe and affordable did they?

 More than 100 affordable housing advocates marched to Legislative Hall on Wednesday in an effort to draw attention — and money — to the shortage of economical housing in the state.

In fact if you want a cheap home move to Hedgeville (St. Hedwig School Area) Move to some of the areas on the other side of the Blue Rocks Stadium. I call totall BS on this and will just say that this is people looking for a freaking handout. 

Sorry Charlie, but there is affordable housing in Delaware just not where you want to live.

Update:  You can click this link to read their study

 No where in this study does it indicate if it excluded any home values.  I am using my Delaware Liberal Press Pass and calling them with a question as to the study.  I hope jason doesn’t mind. 

Update II: Apparenlty the research was performed by Jeanine Kleimo, which lives in Camden, De. Apparently she has a masters in Economics I have an email to her regarding any exclusions made.

It just seems to me if you are going to release a report about affordability that when you do a study, you shouldn’t include certain homes, that would “inflate” a more true number.

UPDATE III: I have sent an email out to Mrs. Kleimo as well as left a message for her asking if their were any exlcusions.

Mrs. Kleimo,

I am trying to do just a little research for DELAWARELIBERAL.WORDPRESS.COM regarding your research for the most recent Delaware Housing Coalition May 2007 Study. I have just one question for you. Page 2 under homeownership states several numbers for New Castle, Sussex and Kent County Median Home prices. Are you aware if any homes were excluded from this number? For Example those homes valued over $1 mil.

Thank you for your time,

based on this little blog I may not get an answer but it was worth a shot….


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hiding in the open

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  1. Hube says:

    Now THIS is the sort of stuff that would make this blog worthy! Not accepting a WNJ article at face value! 😉

  2. donviti says:

    I have left 2 messages and an email with no response… hopefully I will get something

  3. G Rex says:

    Where the feck did they get this $228K figure? I notice that the term is “typical” home price, which is not a statistical term like mean, median or average. Heck, I own a 3-bedroom townhouse with garage, and it only cost $140K, and I was making $35K a year at the time. What do they want, projects???

  4. jason330 says:

    Kleimo is a straight arrow. I’m quiet sure the numbers will prove to be on the level.

  5. donviti says:

    hopefully we will find out….