I get mail from McCain. This one was saying that McCain is doing just great (thank you ver much) and that people would know that if they read his polls.
Check it out.
- Quinnipiac University released a survey this week showing Senator McCain leading on the ballot among Evangelical Christians – 21% voting for the Senator and 17% voting for Giuliani.
- The same survey showed that Republican voters are still very convinced that our mission in Iraq is critical to our safety and security in America. More than 70% said they believe going to war in Iraq was the right thing to do. Eighty-percent of Republican voters say they do not believe the war there is lost.
- As voters learn about John McCain and his positions on these key issues, they are making the decision to support him in this important election.
McCain has lashed himself to the mast of the “USS WORST PREZNIT EVAH!” and is going down with the ship.