Kavips lays it down.
1) Republicans want the surge to last till September. Why?
2) Dick Cheney is off somewhere in the middle east, on another secret mission, immediately just after Rice got back. Why?
3) We still do not have oil flowing from Iraq, four years after ‘mission accomplished”, Why?
Is there a connection between these three threads?
Now four years after the war was won, we still do not have a contract with a legitimate Iraqi government to remove the oil from Iraqi sands. What is wrong with those Iraqi’s. Don’t they want our oil revenues to rebuild their country?
The holdup seems to be what is known as the PSA’s (production sharing agreements). These clauses guarantee US oil companies 70% of the profits up to amortization and 20% after that, whereas the going standard rate is 10% of profits to oil companies, and 90% to the country. This oil bill must be passed before the Iraqi congress goes on recess May 31st, just 21 days from the date of this posting.
The oil companies estimate that it will cost between 1$ and 1.50$ to extract a barrel of Iraqi gold, the premium of all crudes. At today’s prices of 75$ a barrel this rate of return would be equivalent of kicking a baby in its face and stealing its candy.
Iraqi resistance understands this. And yet this insider’s fact has not even made our evening news. Why?