While We Americans Continue Our Ivory Tower Philosophising

Filed in Uncategorized by on May 11, 2007

Once again Mike Castle votes to support Bush and not the troops.


BAGHDAD – Two suicide car bombers struck checkpoints at Baghdad bridges within minutes of each other Friday, killing at least 23 people and damaging the spans despite increased American efforts to target the insurgent networks planning deadly vehicle attacks.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. donviti says:

    aint it great how they never say “al qaeda” car bombers? Gee, Chris just who made that car bomb…was it a radical islamist that wanted to kill Americans?

    I don’t think Americans were killed by this car bomb? So who is killing who? Why are we here? what good are we doing?

    Sunni’s killing Shia’s and we are in the middle…

    great, Mission Accomplished…but hey lets fight them over there so they don’t come to merika.

  2. Chris says:

    I have never taken you for naieve but if you are so convinced that Al Qaida had no part in this, then perhaps I was wrong about you.

    You are all so good at seeing conspiracies where domestic entities are concerned (Bush, Cheyney, Fox News, republicans in general, any corporation making more than $1 a year in profits), but you cannot seem to comprehend of one over there.

    Al Qaida is coordinating these attacks because with each attack, well-intentioned, but misguided individuals as you will react just as you did. The media, who have already done Al Qaida’s bidding by using words like “insurgency” instead of “terrorism” will gladly proclaim this is a civil war and we need out.

    So eventually we get out. Al Qaida wins, and we lose any hope of ever beating them. So great for America! I swear, if Al Qaida put up a candidate in the 2008 elections, our media would annoint him. Unreal.

  3. donviti says:

    explain to me how al qaeda wins please?

    where is your proof that this was al qaeda?

    I am not naive at all, even Generals have minimized the threat Al Qaeda poses in Iraq, why is it you think differently?

  4. donviti says:

    I already explained to you my corporate profits beef and it is a real one…no conspiracy there

  5. Hube says:

    Chris: Jason believes Bush knew in advance of 9/11 and allowed it to transpire.

    What else needs to be said? “Debating” these microcephalic dolts is like trying to convince Rain Man not to watch “Jeopardy.”

  6. donviti says:

    stick to rating your comic books Pube…

  7. jason330 says:

    Judge Wopner at 5:00, Judge Wopner at 5:00…

    C’mon Hube. Ol’ Christine is not trying to debate he is trying to brandishing right wing spin.

    For instance:

    So eventually we get out. Al Qaida wins,

    Our getting out would be the worst thing that could happen to AQ – they’d lose all support.

  8. Chris says:

    “So eventually we get out. Al Qaida wins,

    Our getting out would be the worst thing that could happen to AQ – they’d lose all support.”

    Just because you would like to believe it doesn’t make it so. They may lose support in Iraq (if indeed they have any now). But everyone backs a winner. If they are seen as beating the “Great Satan”, they will be rife with volunteers seeing the glory of a “Holy War”.

    And by the way Jason…the Christine comment just further cements my growing opinion of you. One wonders if you suffer from “little man” syndrome. Jason Bonaparte.

    So, out of curiosity. Hube may be “ranting” but was he correct about your 9-11 belief?

  9. liberalgeek says:

    Actually, it is quite difficult to coordinate in Iraq, since the power keeps going off (Damn, I almost had that email to Ahmed sent when the power went out!), it is difficult to travel (you think traffic is bad on 95? You should try the Wolfowitz Expressway from Karbala to Baghdad on a Friday!), and there are armed people everywhere that want to shoot AQ operatives just as much as they want to shoot Americans (Crap, I gotta get my ass to Detroit where I can be safe.)

    So I wonder if in Chrisworld ™ AQ supports both warring factions in the civil war? Or are we still denying the civil war, Chris? I wouldn’t be surprised, you are one of the few people around here that is actually 2 steps behind the administration.

  10. Chris says:

    “So I wonder if in Chrisworld ™ AQ supports both warring factions in the civil war? Or are we still denying the civil war, Chris? I wouldn’t be surprised, you are one of the few people around here that is actually 2 steps behind the administration.”

    Don’t know about “Chrisworld” but certainly in this world they do. They would not exactly be the first group in the history of man to do so. They flat don’t care what happens to Iraq, as long as they force America to declare it lost and retreat. If they support both sides they can ramp up the civil war. Do I deny a civil war? No. But it is being pushed by AQ. If America was resolved to settle this issue, and not be showing weakness, I think the two sides would fall in line, especially if they knew we had the support to route out AQ. I know the hatred goes back a 1000 years, and we can never eliminate the hatred. But we could easily get it into check and keep it there until democracy and the new Iraqi government could finally get a grasp on what it takes to hold it. But it can only work if we show a unified front. Instead you would rather in-fight. And the more AQ pushes the civil war the more bickering and less resolve America show. THAT is what they really want! And complete melt down of America and defeat. And you guys are so dang eager to give it to them. So stop singing “Kumbaya”, come out of “LiberalWorld” and into “RealWorld”.

  11. jason330 says:

    But it can only work if we show a unified front. Instead you would rather in-fight. ….THAT is what they really want! And complete melt down of America and defeat. And you guys are so dang eager to give it to them.

    Words words words. Your wordiness is only matched by your conviction. You are a true beliver who is full of very brave and patriotic words. But it’s easy to be a hero from behind a keyboard. Isn’t it? It is easy to be for the war as an abstract concept. (it is still not right, but it is easy.)

    SO Let me ask you an honest question. You are all for this war and fairly bloodthirsty about it. You are not one of those bad liberals who wants America to perish under the yolk of islamic extremism.

    SO why are you still here? Why aren’t you in Iraq?

    Why not sIgn up? Even if you are too old or too weak to carry a gun you can still sign up and free up a younger guy to spread freedom and “get (Iraq) into check and keep it there until democracy and the new Iraqi government could finally get a grasp on what it takes to hold it.”

    Sounds easy. Go for it.

  12. Chris says:

    “It is easy to be for the war as an abstract concept.”

    Wow! Can you honestly be THAT ARROGANT? Just because I believe the war is necessary, doesn’t mean I treat it as an abstract concept! I feel pain in my heart for each and every one of the soldiers that perish. I read every article I can find on them and the families they left behind. Several people I grew up with, am friends with, are serving in Iraq. And I worry greatly about them. But I also know from them that they are deeply committed to what they do, and truly believe in what they are being asked to do.

    I am sure (and hope) that you feel that pain too. I assume (and again hope) that is the reason you want the war to end. I too wish there was no war. People of my opinion don’t really want war, no sane individual does. But we recognize that there is no viable choice at this point. And there hasn’t been since 9-11. Really since the first World Trade Center bombing. It is an unpleasant job but it HAS TO BE DONE. And thank God our troops are willing to do that. To falter now, and declare it lost is to spit on the sacrifice those brave men and women have made. And while I may be cynical where you are concerned Jason, I doubt you would willingly do that. Unfortunately, that is what you all are inadvertently doing when you take the position of surrender.

    “SO why are you still here? Why aren’t you in Iraq? Why not sIgn up?”

    My greatest regret in my life is that I could not enlist when I was of age. I came very close during the first Gulf War. Even got as far as the recruiting station. But our military has quite stringent standards. And I would not pass muster for a variety of reasons. Even less so today, especially since I don’t even meet age requirements for most of the branches.

    But that does not prevent me from doing everything I can for the troops, from participating in numerous charity events to assist them as well as donating often to the funds set up to support the children whose parents have been lost. But most of all, I can do my best to try to convince people back home that even “talking” about surrender puts our troops more and more in harms way everyday. Which is why you won’t be able to get rid of me. If I can even get just one of you to truly realize this, then it is worth it. Every additional member of support helps…especially yours Jason.

  13. jason330 says:

    Nope. I don’t buy it. Sorry Chris, but your willing blindness to the truth of Cheney and Bush’s incompetence and malfeasance give me the feeling that you regard this war as a kind of big game.

    I started think that after your first comment here and if that sounds arrogant, it is arrogance bourn out of being right about everything having to do with this war going back to 2001.

  14. liberalgeek says:

    But most of all, I can do my best to try to convince people back home that even “talking” about surrender puts our troops more and more in harms way everyday.

    Are you kidding me? Chris, pull a dollar out of your pocket. It still says The United States of America, right? Good. First, we are not talking about surrender, we are talking about doing what a majority of the “liberated” people in Iraq want us to do.

    Second, the fact that we have these discussions does not make us weaker, it makes us what we are, Americans. If you think that we shouldn’t even be debating this, then you need to reevaluate your beliefs. You also need to consider if you want to continue to live in the US. This is who we are, and according to BushCo, why they hate us.

  15. anon says:

    What Geek said.

    It’s time to be patriotic about something other than war. (now where did I hear that lately?)

  16. Chris says:

    “First, we are not talking about surrender, we are talking about doing what a majority of the “liberated” people in Iraq want us to do.”

    Really? And what “majority” are you talking about. Yes, I have heard that a bill has been introduced in the Iraqi congress for a resolution asking us to withdrawl. IF it passes (which early reports suggest it has about as much chance as a resolution designating Christianity the official religion of Iraq), THEN I will say we can start to withdrawl. We are there at the invitation of the elected Iraqi government. If they feel they want us to leave…we leave. In that case AQ does not win. And we show that we respect the sovereignty of Iraq. It would be the best solution to the situation. We would withdrawl like you want and do it without “surrendering” (which, I’m sorry, immediate withdrawl will be). So squeeze your little Clinton dolls and repeat over and over again “Pass, Pass, Pass”. It won’t but you can always hope.

  17. Chris says:

    “Nope. I don’t buy it.”

    That’s fair, and not surprising. Truth is something you rarely buy.

  18. jason330 says:

    That’s right. I’m calling you a liar. I should have been more direct. I don’t buy any part of your rap above,

  19. Chris says:

    “That’s right. I’m calling you a liar. I should have been more direct. I don’t buy any part of your rap above,”

    That is your right. No matter how wrong you may be.