Arkansas Mom Preparing for Birth of 17th Child

Filed in National by on May 12, 2007

TONTITOWN, AR – The Duggars are once again pulling out the pink ruffles and lace as they prepare for the birth of baby #17.

Michelle Duggar says the whole family is excited about the arrival of the baby girl they will name Jennifer Danielle, keeping with the family tradition of giving the child a name that begins with J.

Jennifer Danielle is due July 27.

Duggar, who is 40, says she’s doing fine with her latest pregnancy. Although she has gotten older since she had her first child at age 21, she says she still has plenty of energy and only minor aches and pains.

Duggar says she and husband Jim Bob, a former state representative and U.S. Senate candidate, view each phase of their children’s lives as an adventure.

The Duggars home school their children at their 7,000-square-foot home in Tontitown. The couple’s oldest child, Joshua, is 19, and their youngest, Johanna Faith, is 19 months. Their children include two sets of twins.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. motnewbie says:

    they prepare for the birth of baby #17
    the baby girl they will name Jennifer Danielle, keeping with the family tradition of giving the child a name that begins with J

    This whole thing is, well, let’s just say amazing. My jaw has not yet come back from the ground. Anyway, more amazing to me, because it’s the little things that I like to notice, is that this will be child #17 and they will all start with the letter ‘J.’ How many J names are there?? Additionally, how in the hell did they NOT use JENNIFER already?! Shocking. Of course, they damned their family to doom when they chose to name one of their sons “Jason.”

    husband Jim Bob.
    Must resist.

  2. anon says:

    That’s Senator Jim Bob.

  3. Joe M says:

    Man, once those 17 have kids of their own, then those grandkids have kids, we’re going to be a nation of Senator Jim Bobs.

    A novel way to fix the vote.

  4. liberalgeek says:

    I wonder how many months Jim Bob will use the birth of his child as an excuse not to update his blog?

  5. Dana says:

    Well, I used to date the fourth of four girls named Joan, Judy, Joyce and Joella!