WDEL ADS Pick one or add your own. D-Day is Nigh.

Filed in Uncategorized by on May 13, 2007

Hold Politicians Accountable All Year Round

[Music: Some finger picking guitar in the background]

Voice: Rumor has it politicians are only held accountable during election years. We at Delaware liberal.com want to make politicians like Mike Castle and George Bush accountable all year round. There is a lot going on in the state of Delaware that so many of us don’t know about. Our “reporters” (insert laugh track there) work (insert laugh track) day and night to pull together information not available to you on an up to the minute basis.

Don’t get us wrong, Traditional Media is a great source of information and we would never say that what they do isn’t important. But, when you go the Supermarket, you don’t want stale bread, you want the stuff that is fresh. Day old bread is for the birds, get the fresh stuff at Delaware Liberal.

Joins the dicussion at delawareliberal.wordpress.com for refreshing insight to local politics, a point of view that bucks traditional media as well as a constantly updated source of information.

It’s free, easy and you may even lose weight but we don’t guarantee that part. At Delaware liberal we may never figure out how to make money, but we know how to make change.

Check yourself for these signs of liberalism

(In the form of a public service announcement.) Hushed sober voice: Did you know that 6 our of 10 Americans are liberals? Liberalism can strike at any time and any place without warning.

Check yourself for these signs of liberalism.

Do you think American workers should be treated fairly? Do you think politicians like Mike Castle and George Bush accountable all year round and not just during election years. Do you think people should be left alone to worship God in thier own way, or EVEN not believe in God if they don’t want to? Do you agree that elections should be clean and fair? Do you want the United States to get out of Iraq? AND think President Bush is doing a horrible job?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you might be a liberal.

If you see signs of liberalism in yourself or your family, there is hope. Get to the blog Dealwareliberal. Join the discussion – it’s a free country (for now…)

Newspaper’s just tell you what the the corporate office wants you to hear

[Music: Mission Imposible theme Cross fade to “The internets ARE TUBES!!” by Alaska Senator Ted Stevens]

The Voice: Are you getting you political news from the Newspaper? What!? You are! You are a day and half behind AT LEAST! Time to step it up. I bet you don’t milk a cow in the morning to get milk for your Rice Crispies?

Of course you don’t!

If you care about politics in Delaware, you need to check out Delawareliberal(dot)wordpress(dot)com.

Newspaper’s just tell you what the the corporate office wants you to hear. Delawareliberal has news that is not watered down and pasturized into vapor.

Not only that, but on Delawareliberal – you can take part in shaping the news. The lively discussions and debates about today’s media and politics help turn up the heat on our elected officials.

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About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (13)

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  1. anon says:

    Well, if you make a YouTube version of this ad, the troops won’t see it:

    The Defense Department will begin blocking access “worldwide” to YouTube, MySpace and 11 other popular Web sites on its computers and networks, according to a memo sent Friday by Gen. B.B. Bell, the U.S. Forces Korea commander…

    The sites covered by the ban are the video-sharing sites YouTube, Metacafe, IFilm, StupidVideos, and FileCabi, the social networking sites MySpace, BlackPlanet and Hi5, music sites Pandora, MTV, and 1.fm, and live365, and the photo-sharing site Photobucket.

  2. Hube says:

    Can I just laugh at these?? Does that count?

  3. donviti says:

    I like the youtube Idea for all three actually….

    I could see a child doing the 2nd one. that would be hilarious.

  4. Rebecca says:

    Hey Jase,

    They are all good but I like the first one best.

  5. jason330 says:

    Your vote counts thrice.

  6. donviti says:

    wooohooooo good choice Rebecca!

  7. oedipa maas says:

    I like the first one too.

    And I am still ready to follow through on my pledge to support this effort with $$. Just need to know how to get this to you (sorry if I missed this instruction).

  8. jason330 says:

    I have looked into paypal — but that does not seem like a good option right now with the vig that they take.

    I’ve taken checks written to me, but if you are not comfortable with that you might have to wait until our money collecting operation matures a little.

  9. jason330 says:

    BTW – thanks for the suppport!!!

  10. anon says:

    I’ll leave the money in a brown paper bag under the rock by the white mailbox.

  11. Check yourself for these signs of liberalism
    this is the best one, snark probably doesn’t sell well in an effort to change minds.

  12. Disbelief says:

    I go for “Check yourself for these signs”. Also, give me an address on my email to send a check.

  13. oedipa maas says:

    Give me an address on my email and I’ll send a check too. But if any of this goes to donviti’s wet t-shirt contest, I’ll tell Colm Connelly that there is voter fraud going on up in here…..